首页> 外文期刊>Geophysical Research Letters >Seismic imaging of the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) rupture inferred from the near-fault recordings

Seismic imaging of the 1999 Izmit (Turkey) rupture inferred from the near-fault recordings


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We use near-fault accelerograms to infer the space-time history of rupture on the fault during the Izmit earthquake. The records show that the ground displacement and velocity near the fault were surprisingly simple. Rupture propagated toward the west at a velocity of about 3 km/s, and toward the east at a remarkably high average velocity of 4.7 km/s over a distance of about 45 km before decelerating to about 3.1 km/s on the eastern segment. Slip on the fault is particularly large down to a depth of 20 km on the central portion of the fault where it reaches about 7 m. Slip is large also below 10 km on the eastern fault segment, and this may have contributed to the loading of shear stress on the Duzce fault. On the western fault segment, large slip seems confined to shallow depths. [References: 10]
机译:我们使用近断层加速度图来推断伊兹密特地震期间断层破裂的时空历史。记录表明,断层附近的地面位移和速度非常简单。破裂以大约3 km / s的速度向西传播,并以大约4.7 km / s的高平均速度在大约45 km的距离上向东方传播,然后在东部段减速至大约3.1 km / s。断层上的滑动特别大,直到断层中心部分的深度达到20 km为止,大约7 m。东部断层段的滑动也很大,在10 km以下,这可能导致了Duzce断层上的切应力负荷。在西部断层段,大的滑动似乎仅限于浅层深度。 [参考:10]



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