首页> 外文期刊>Gesunde Pflanzen >Development, reproduction and predation by two predatory thrips species Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall and Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) by feeding with two prey species

Development, reproduction and predation by two predatory thrips species Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall and Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) by feeding with two prey species

机译:通过捕食两个捕食种类的食肉蓟马物种中间的拟南芥(Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall)和Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford(Thysanoptera:Aeolothripidae)进行发育,繁殖和捕食

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The aim of the present research study was to study development, reproduction and prey consumption by two predatory thrips species, Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall (Thys., Aeolothripidae) and Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford (Thys., Aeolothripidae) by feeding with two prey species, the western flower thrips Frankliniella oceidenialis (Pergande) (Thys., Thripidae) as well as the two spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Aeari: Tetranychidae). The experiments were conducted in the laboratory under standard climatic conditions. The results showed that A. intermedius neither developed nor the females could lay eggs by feeding on F. occidentalis larvae or T. urticae stages. On the other hand, F. vespiformis females laid a mean daily number of 0.67 eggs with both prey species. In the 18-day experimental period, the predatory females laid a mean number of 10.92 eggs by feeding on F. occidentalis larvae or 10.58 eggs with T. urticae stages as prey. The predators showed significanl differencesregarding prey consumption on F. occidentalis larvae, where A. intermedius consumed daily a mean number of 2.26 while F. vespiformis 4.71 larvae. The predator A. intermedius consumed a mean total number of 20.83 while F. vespiformis 66.50 larvae during the entire study period. There was found no significant differences between the two predators regarding prey consumption on T. urticae stages. The use of the predatory thrips F. vespiformis in Euphorbia milii plantations under actual cultural conditions resulted in significant reduction of F. occidentalis larvae as compared to control. During a seven-week experimental period after release of F. vespiformis, there was recorded only one F. occidentalis larva/flower as compared to 14 larvae/flower in the control.
机译:本研究的目的是通过喂食两个猎物种类西部的食肉蓟马,中间med虫(Aeolothripidae)和Franklinothrips vespiformis Crawford(Thys。,Aeolothripidae),研究两个捕食蓟马种类的发育,繁殖和猎物消耗。花蓟马Frankeniella oceidenialis(Pergande)(Thys。,Thripidae)以及两个斑点蜘蛛螨Tetranychus urticae Koch(Aeari:Tetranychidae)。实验是在实验室中在标准气候条件下进行的。结果表明,中间inter曲霉既没有发育,也没有雌性通过喂食西方隐花线虫幼虫或荨麻疹阶段的卵而产卵。另一方面,F。vespiformis雌性在两个猎物下平均每天产下0.67个卵。在为期18天的实验期内,这些捕食性雌性以西洋蓟马幼虫为食,或以荨麻疹为食期的10.58个卵,平均产下10.92个卵。捕食者显示出在西洋念珠菌幼虫的猎物消费上存在显着差异,其中中间产曲霉每日消费平均数为2.26,而小花F形昆虫为4.71。在整个研究期间,捕食性中间食曲霉平均消耗总数量为20.83,而小孢子虫为66.50。在荨麻疹阶段,两种捕食者之间的猎物消耗没有显着差异。与对照相比,在实际培养条件下,在大戟属人工林中使用捕食性蓟马F. vespiformis导致西洋蓟马幼虫显着减少。在释放佛氏假单胞菌后的七周实验期间,与对照中的14个幼虫/花相比,仅记录到一株西洋参F. occidentalis幼虫/花。



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