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The View From Wits End: April Showers Bring May Flowrs


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I love the months when multitudes of flowers are blooming in the garden - and there is such variety at Wits' End during the month of May - maybe more than almost any other month. Trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, bulbs and even cactus flower here inMay, and every day brings a new surprise, a new bloom, new opportunities to take the camera on my morning and evening strolls through the garden and capture its beauty.The regular spring rains of April, along with steadily warming air and soil temperatures, set the stage for May to be a spectacular month in the garden. Fertilizer that was applied in early spring has worked its way into the soil and is readily available to the plants during their most active phase of growth - foliage is lush and blooms are plentiful. Earthworms are busily working a fresh layer of compost into the soil and beneficial insects abound, keeping those that would do damage at bay.
机译:我喜欢花园里开满鲜花的月份-五月份的Wits'End种类繁多-也许比其他任何月份都多。五月份在这里树木,灌木,多年生植物,一年生植物,鳞茎甚至是仙人掌花,每一天都带来新的惊喜,新的花朵,新的机会,让我在早晨和傍晚带着照相机漫步在花园中并捕捉其美丽。四月的春雨,以及空气和土壤温度的不断升高,为五月成为花园中一个引人注目的月份奠定了基础。早春施用的肥料已进入土壤,并在植物最活跃的生长阶段很容易获得-枝叶繁茂,花开富贵。 are正在忙于在土壤中堆放新鲜的堆肥,而有益的昆虫比比皆是,使那些会造成破坏的昆虫无法幸免。



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