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Morphotectonic evolution of the central Kenya rift flanks: Implications for late Cenozoic environmental change in East Africa


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The Kenya rift valley is the classic example of an active continental rift zone. We report the rift flank cooling history based on a combination of previous apatite fission track (AFT) and new (U-Th)/He (AHe) data. Our results corroborate the Late Cretaceous rapid cooling episode of continent-wide significance revealed previously by AFT dating. Post-Cretaceous cooling of the eastern rift flank was slow with net cooling of <20 ℃ through much of the Cenozoic. We interpret this cooling style in terms of the absence of significant relief. Samples from the western rift flank and from low elevations of the eastern rift flank reveal a late Neogene cooling episode associated with net cooling of ~38 ℃, indicating that this flank was eroded to a deeper level than that to the east. The late Neogene cooling episode is interpreted as the time of uplift and shaping of the present-day relief of the graben shoulders, which attain elevations of >3400 m in central Kenya. This timing also largely coincides with the uplift of the Western Rift flanks in Uganda and Congo and with the change toward drier conditions and grassland-dominated vegetation in East Africa. We propose that the regional morphotectonic evolution of the Kenyan rift flanks contributed to late Cenozoic environmental change in East Africa, thus superimposing a pronounced local effect on global climate change at that time.
机译:肯尼亚裂谷是活跃的大陆裂谷带的典型例子。我们基于先前的磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)和新的(U-Th)/ He(AHe)数据组合报告了裂谷后缘的冷却历史。我们的研究结果证实了AFT测年以前揭示的晚白垩世在整个大陆意义上的快速降温事件。东裂谷侧面的白垩纪后冷却缓慢,整个新生代大部分时间的净冷却<20℃。我们在没有明显缓解的情况下解释这种冷却方式。来自西部裂谷侧面和东部裂谷侧面低海拔的样品显示,新近纪晚期冷却事件与约38℃的净冷却有关,表明该侧面比东部的侵蚀程度更深。新近纪降温的晚期被解释为当今抬升的肩膀起伏和整形的时间,肯尼亚中部的海拔超过3400 m。这一时机在很大程度上还与乌干达和刚果的西非大裂羊侧翼的抬升以及东非向干旱条件和以草原为主的植被的转变有关。我们认为,肯尼亚裂谷侧面的区域构造构造演化是东非新生代晚期环境变化的原因,从而在当时叠加了对全球气候变化的明显局部影响。



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