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Large eruption-triggered ocean-island landslide at Tenerife: Onshore record and long-term effects on hazardous pyroclastic dispersal


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An extensive debris-avalanche deposit has been discovered on Ca?adas volcano, Tenerife (Canary Islands). The onshore component of the 733 ± 3 ka Abona landslide deposit exposes classic block facies and mixed facies across 90 km~2. Three lines of evidence together show that the avalanche was triggered by an ignimbrite-forming explosive eruption: (1) the deposit is enclosed by phonolitic ignimbrites and is draped by a Plinian fallout layer, all within a single eruption unit; (2) it contains prismatic-jointed pumice blocks that were hot during landslide emplacement, indicated by chilled rims and breadcrust surfaces; (3) these blocks yield the same ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar date as the associated ignimbrite and fall deposit. Landslide hummocks dammed surface water, forming ephemeral lakes perched on the volcano flank. Phonolite dome growth destabilized the southeast sector of a mid-Pleistocene Ca?adas caldera wall, and created a major breach that affected the passage of destructive pyroclastic density currents on Tenerife for 0.5 m.y., showing that landslides can have enduring consequences for pyroclastic dispersal and hazards.
机译:在特内里费岛(加那利群岛)的卡达斯火山上发现了大量的碎片雪崩沉积。 733±3 ka Abona滑坡沉积物的陆上部分在​​90 km〜2范围内暴露出经典的块状相和混合相。三行证据共同表明,雪崩是由形成火成岩的爆炸物触发的:(1)沉积物被声音成因的火成岩包裹,并由普林尼尘层覆盖,都在一个喷发单元内。 (2)它包含棱柱连接的浮石块,这些块在滑坡发生时很热,其边缘为冰冷的边缘和面包壳表面; (3)这些区块产生的〜(40)Ar /〜(39)Ar日期与相关的着火和降落沉积物相同。滑坡山丘将地表水堵塞,形成了栖息在火山侧面的短暂湖泊。白云岩穹顶的生长破坏了中更新世卡达斯火山口壁的东南部区域的稳定,并造成了一次严重破坏,破坏了特内里费岛上破坏性火山碎屑密度流的通过,持续时间为0.5 my,表明滑坡可能对火山碎屑扩散和危害产生持久的影响。



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