首页> 外文期刊>Geology of Ore Deposits: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Papers on All Aspects of Ore Genesis >Geochemistry of Native Gold from Deposits of Various Types NL. A. NikolaevaDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia NA. N. NekrasovaDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia NS. A. MilyaevDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia

Geochemistry of Native Gold from Deposits of Various Types NL. A. NikolaevaDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia NA. N. NekrasovaDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia NS. A. MilyaevDCentral Institute of Geological Exploration for Base and Precious Metals, Varshavskoe sh. 129b, Moscow, 117545 Russia

机译:不同类型矿床天然金的地球化学N L。 A. NikolaevaD 中央贱金属和贵金属地质勘探学院,瓦尔沙夫斯克。 129b,莫斯科,117545俄罗斯N A。 N. NekrasovaD 中央贱金属和贵金属地质勘探学院,Varshavskoe sh。 129b,莫斯科,117545俄罗斯N S。 A. MilyaevD 贱金属和贵金属地质勘探中央研究院,瓦尔沙夫斯克。 129b,莫斯科,117545俄罗斯

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The ICP-MS-analyzed 490 samples of lode and placer gold allowed us to detect a wide spectrum of trace elements in native gold from the most abundant gold—polysulfide—quartz, low-sulfide gold—quartz, and gold—silver deposits from various gold provinces and districts of the Russian Federation. The typical set of elements in gold of each deposit type has been determined. The distribution of REE, rare alkali and alkaline earth metals in native gold is estimated for the first time, and a geochemical index has been proposed to typify gold occurrences. Compositional differences of native gold are also caused by regional metallogenic features of gold provinces. The results obtained make it possible to determine a type of lode and placer gold occurrences at early stages of geological exploration.



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