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Seasonal and UT variations of the position of the auroral precipitation and polar cap boundaries


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The data of the DMSP F7 spacecraft are used for studying the influence of the geomagnetic dipole tilt angle on the latitudinal position of auroral precipitation boundaries in the nighttime (2100-2400 MLT) and daytime (0900-1200 MLT) sectors. It is shown that, in the nighttime sector, the high-latitude zone of soft diffuse precipitation (SDP) and the boundary of the polar cap (PC) at all levels of geomagnetic activity are located at higher and lower latitudes relative to the equinox period in winter and summer, respectively. The position of boundaries of the diffuse auroral precipitation zone (DAZ) located equatorward from the auroral oval does not depend on the season. In the daytime sector, the inverse picture is observed: the SDP precipitation zone takes the most low-latitude and high-latitude positions in the winter and summer periods, respectively. The total value of the displacements from winter to summer of both the nighttime and daytime boundaries of the PC is ~2. 5°. A diurnal wave in the latitudinal position of the nighttime precipitation boundaries is detected. The wave is most pronounced in the periods of the winter and fall seasons, is much weaker in the spring period, and is almost absent in summer. The diurnal variations of the position of the boundaries are quasi-sinusoidal oscillations with the latitude maximum and minimum at 0300-0500 and 1700-2100 UT, respectively. The total value of the diurnal displacement of the boundaries is ~2. 5° of latitude. The results obtained show that, undergoing seasonal and diurnal variations, the polar cap is shifted as a whole in the direction opposite to the changes in the tilt angle of the geomagnetic dipole. The seasonal displacements of the polar cap and its diurnal variations in the winter period occur without any substantial changes in its area.
机译:DMSP F7航天器的数据用于研究地磁偶极子倾斜角对夜间(2100-2400 MLT)和白天(0900-1200 MLT)区域极光降水边界的纬度位置的影响。结果表明,在夜间区域,在所有地磁活动水平上,软弥散降水(SDP)的高纬度带和极盖(PC)的边界相对于春分周期位于较高和较低的纬度上。分别在冬季和夏季。从极光椭圆向赤道方向扩散的极光降水带(DAZ)的边界位置与季节无关。在白天,可观察到相反的情况:SDP降水区在冬季和夏季分别处于最低纬度和最高纬度位置。 PC的夜间和白天边界从冬季到夏季的位移总值约为2。 5°。在夜间降水边界的纬度位置检测到一个昼夜波。在冬季和秋季,该波最明显,在春季则弱得多,而在夏季几乎不存在。边界位置的日变化是准正弦振荡,最大和最小纬度分别在0300-0500和1700-2100 UT。边界的昼夜位移的总值为〜2。纬度5°。所获得的结果表明,在经历季节性和昼夜变化时,极帽总体上沿与地磁偶极子的倾斜角变化相反的方向移动。极地帽的季节性位移及其冬季的昼夜变化在面积上没有任何实质性变化。



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