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Beyond ECH capacities


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ECH (embedded contact homology) capacities give obstructions to symplectically embedding one four-dimensional symplectic manifold with boundary into another. These obstructions are known to be sharp when the domain and target are ellipsoids (proved by McDuff), and more generally when the domain is a "concave toric domain" and the target is a "convex toric domain" (proved by Cristofaro-Gardiner). However ECH capacities often do not give sharp obstructions, for example in many cases when the domain is a polydisk. This paper uses more refined information from ECH to give stronger symplectic embedding obstructions when the domain is a polydisk, or more generally a convex toric domain. We use these new obstructions to reprove a result of Hind and Lisi on symplectic embeddings of a polydisk into a ball, and generalize this to obstruct some symplectic embeddings of a polydisk into an ellipsoid. We also obtain a new obstruction to symplectically embedding one polydisk into another, in particular proving the four-dimensional case of a conjecture of Schlenk.
机译:ECH(嵌入式接触同源性)功能为将一个带边界的四维辛流形有意识地嵌入另一个流形提供了障碍。当域和目标是椭球体(由McDuff证明)时,这些障碍会很明显;更普遍地,当域是“凹复曲面域”而目标是“凸复曲面域”时(由Cristofaro-Gardiner证明) 。但是,ECH容量通常不会给您带来严重的阻碍,例如,在许多情况下,当域是多磁盘时。当域是多磁盘(或更一般地说是凸复曲面域)时,本文使用来自ECH的更精炼的信息来提供更强的辛嵌入障碍。我们使用这些新的障碍物来证明Hind和Lisi在将多圆盘的辛嵌入到球中的结果,并将其概括化为将多圆盘的一些辛嵌入在椭圆中。我们还获得了一个新的障碍,即将一个多磁盘插入到另一个磁盘中,特别是证明了Schlenk猜想的四维情况。



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