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Hydrothermal Clays of the Geothermal Fields of South Kamchatka: A New Approach and Study Results


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Using the Pauzhetka and Nizhnee Koshelevskoe geothermal deposits (South Kamchatka), we studied physical—chemical characteristics of hydrothermal clays that form thick (on average, 1.5— 1.8 m) and spacious (up to few km2 in area) subsurface horizon with peculiar petrophysical and mineralogical— geochemical properties. It was established that the properties of hydrothermal clays are determined by their micro- and nanostructure, which is made up of nanoparticles of aluminosilicates, sulfates, accessory and ore minerals (primarily, sulfides and iron oxides), and amorphous phases. The subsurface horizon of hydrothermal clays represents a long-lived (up to 10 ka and more) highly dynamic colloidal—dispersed mineralogical— geochemical system, which reflects the interaction of deep-seated metalliferous fluids with geological medium in the supergene zone of geothermal deposits.
机译:利用Pauzhetka和Nizhnee Koshelevskoe地热沉积物(南堪察加),我们研究了热液黏土的物理化学特征,该热液黏土形成厚(平均1.5- 1.8 m)和宽敞(面积达数km2),具有独特的岩石物理特征的地下地平线矿物学—地球化学性质。可以确定的是,热液粘土的性质取决于它们的微观和纳米结构,该结构由铝硅酸盐,硫酸盐,辅助和矿石矿物(主要是硫化物和氧化铁)以及无定形相的纳米颗粒组成。热液黏土的地下层代表了一种长寿命(长达10 ka及以上)的高动态胶体—分散的矿物—地球化学系统,反映了深部的含金属流体与地热沉积超表层中的地质介质的相互作用。



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