首页> 外文期刊>Geochemistry International >Role of surface phenomena in concentrating incompatible elements: Au in pyrite from hydrothermal clays at thermal fields in southern Kamchatka

Role of surface phenomena in concentrating incompatible elements: Au in pyrite from hydrothermal clays at thermal fields in southern Kamchatka


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The paper reports data on pyrite obtained using microscopic, physicochemical, and analytical techniques. The major mineral concentrating Au in clays at the Upper Koshelevskoe and East Pauzhetka hydrothermal fields is pyrite, which contains Au evenly distributed in its crystals (0.07-0.25 ppm) and Au bound to the surface of its crystals (0.8-6.8 ppm). The clear correlations between the concentration of equally distributed Au and the topological surface area of single crystals and the absence of correlations with the bulk specific BET surface area rule out purely adsorption mechanisms of Au accommodation at the surface of pyrite crystals, because otherwise the concentration of the minor element would have been proportional to the actual surface area but not the geometric one. In contrast to what is typical of high-temperature hydrothermal systems, at hydrothermal fields Au is an element highly compatible with pyrite. This may be explained by changes in the growth mechanisms of pyrite crystals and the transition to their growth via incorporation of colloid and subcolloid particles. Low-temperature pyrite in hydrothermal clays exhibits certain geochemical features important for exploration for gold deposits related to modern and ancient hydrothermal systems. This pyrite differs from higher temperature pyrite at ancient gold deposits in bearing sulfoxide sulfur species on the surface of its crystals instead of monosulfide species and also in having a less ordered and dense structure, higher porosity, and a globular topography of the surface of crystals.
机译:该论文报告了使用微观,理化和分析技术获得的有关黄铁矿的数据。黄土黄铁矿是Koshelevskoe上游和East Pauzhetka热液田中粘土中主要的矿物富集金,黄铁矿含有均匀分布在其晶体中的Au(0.07-0.25 ppm)和结合在其晶体表面的Au(0.8-6.8 ppm)。平均分布的金的浓度与单晶的拓扑表面积之间的明确相关性以及与本体比表面积的相关性的缺乏排除了纯金在黄铁矿晶体表面的吸附机理,因为否则会次要元素将与实际表面积成比例,但与几何表面积不成比例。与高温水热系统的典型特征相反,在水热场中,Au是与黄铁矿高度相容的元素。这可以通过黄铁矿晶体生长机制的变化以及通过掺入胶体和亚胶体颗粒向其生长的转变来解释。热液粘土中的低温黄铁矿具有某些地球化学特征,对于探索与现代和古代热液系统有关的金矿具有重要意义。该黄铁矿与古代金矿中的高温黄铁矿的不同之处在于,其晶体表面带有亚砜硫物种而不是单硫化物物种,而且结构较不规则且致密,孔隙率较高,且晶体表面呈球形。



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