首页> 外文期刊>Geochemistry International >Olivine Nephelinite,Tephrite,Essexite,Phonolite,and Tinguaite from Kaiserstuhl,Germany:Evidence From Melt Inclusions in Pyroxene

Olivine Nephelinite,Tephrite,Essexite,Phonolite,and Tinguaite from Kaiserstuhl,Germany:Evidence From Melt Inclusions in Pyroxene


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Electron spin resonance (ESR) and cathodoluminescence (CL) evidence on diamonds from the Peo-ples Republic of China is reported. In addition to paramagnetic centers P1 and P2 that had been observed in China diamonds, the W7, W21, N2, OKI, and 01 centers were identified by ESR spectra for the set of samples studied. The last two centers are regarded as oxygen-bearing. In the CL spectra, in addition to broad bands at 440 and 530 nm (the latter being related to boron centers), narrow bands were observed at 503 nm with phonon repetitions (H3 center), 415 nm (P2 ESR center), 575 nm, and 490.7 nm, as well as broad peaks at 720 and 920 nm. Characteristic narrow peaks were frequent on the background of the 720-nm broad peak; their appearance in synthetic diamond is assigned to the presence of nickel. An analysis of the appearance and behavior of the centers that are observable in ESR and CL spectra showed a correlation between the type of defect, its concen-tration, and abundance, on one hand, and the crystal morphology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the dia-mond, on the other. The ESR and CL characteristics of diamonds from various China deposits provide grounds to believe that the combination of these parameters would aid in distinguishing diamonds from different pipes. In some cases, this spectroscopic evidence would substantially revise the prior genetic and geochemical ideas that were based on IR spectra and CL patterns only and would make them more exact.
机译:据报道,来自中国人民共和国的钻石具有电子自旋共振(ESR)和阴极发光(CL)的证据。除了在中国钻石中观察到的顺磁中心P1和P2之外,还通过ESR光谱确定了所研究样品的W7,W21,N2,OKI和01中心。后两个中心被认为是含氧的。在CL光谱中,除了在440和530 nm处的宽带(后者与硼中心有关)之外,在503 nm处还观察到窄带,其中声子重复(H3中心),415 nm(P2 ESR中心),575 nm。和490.7 nm,以及720和920 nm处的宽峰。 720 nm宽峰的背景上经常出现特征性窄峰。它们在人造金刚石中的出现与镍的存在有关。对在ESR和CL光谱中可观察到的中心的外观和行为进行的分析表明,一方面缺陷的类型,其浓度和丰度与晶体形态,矿物学和地球化学之间存在相关性。钻石,另一方面。来自中国各种矿床的钻石的ESR和CL特征提供了理由,相信这些参数的组合将有助于区分钻石与不同管道。在某些情况下,这种光谱证据会大大修改仅基于IR光谱和CL模式的先前遗传和地球化学构想,并使它们更加精确。



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