首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Soil carbon fluxes and balances and soil properties of organically amended no-till corn production systems.

Soil carbon fluxes and balances and soil properties of organically amended no-till corn production systems.


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The addition of organic amendments is essential for sustainable soil fertility management and crop production, but can also increase greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Thus, understanding the impacts of organic soil amendments on gaseous emissions is pertinent to minimizing agricultural impacts on the net emissions of GHGs. A long-term field experiment was conducted to assess the impacts of continuous application of organic amendments (i.e. compost and farmyard manure) and cover crop [mixture of rye (Secale cereal), red fescue (Festuca rubra), and blue grass (Poa pratensis L.)] on selected soil properties, apparent carbon (C) budget (calculated from the difference of sum of all sources of C inputs and outputs), gaseous flux (i.e. carbon dioxide, CO2, and methane, CH4), and relationship with weather parameters under no-till (NT) corn (Zea mays L.) cultivation in an Alfisol of central Ohio, USA. Soil properties and gaseous fluxes were measured continuously for 2 years. Ten years of continuous application of soil amendments increased soil pH and electrical conductivity, enhanced soil C pool, and decreased bulk density especially in 0-5 cm depth than that with cover crop and control plots. Two years average, cattle manure, compost, fallow, and cover crop emitted 14.1, 10.2, 7.5, and 7.2 Mg CO2-C ha-1 yr-1, respectively. Methane emission was 10.7 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1 from cattle manure and 4.0 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1 from compost. However, fallow consumed 3.3 and cover crop 5.0 kg CH4-C ha-1 yr-1. These data suggest that long-term application of compost in NT corn decreased emissions of CO2 by 38% and of CH4 by 167% compared to application of manuring. In general, soil temperature, air temperature, and precipitation were positively correlated with CO2 emissions. Estimation of C budget indicated that amended soil under NT is a C-sink while a non-amended system is a C-source. The application of composted soil amendments in NT corn enhances soil quality and reduces net GHG emissions.
机译:添加有机改良剂对于可持续的土壤肥力管理和作物生产至关重要,但也会增加温室气体(GHG)排放。因此,了解有机土壤改良剂对气体排放的影响与减少农业对温室气体净排放的影响有关。进行了长期的田间试验,以评估连续施用有机改良剂(即堆肥和农家粪肥)和覆盖作物(黑麦(Secale谷物),红羊茅(Festuca rubra)和蓝草(Poa pratensis)的影响) L.)]的土壤特性,表观碳(C)预算(根据所有C投入和产出来源的总和之差计算),气态通量(即二氧化碳,CO 2 和甲烷,CH 4 )以及在美国俄亥俄州中部的Alfisol种植的免耕(NT)玉米(Zea mays L.)下与天气参数的关系。连续2年测量土壤性质和气体通量。连续施用土壤改良剂十年后,与覆盖地和对照地相比,特别是在0-5厘米深度,增加了土壤的pH值和电导率,增强了土壤碳库并降低了容重。平均两年来,牛粪,堆肥,休闲和掩盖作物排放的二氧化碳分别为14.1、10.2、7.5和7.2 Mg CO 2 -C ha -1 yr - 1 。牛粪甲烷排放量为10.7 kg CH 4 -C ha -1 yr -1 和4.0 kg CH 4 -C ha -1 yr -1 。然而,休耕期消耗了3.3千克,覆盖作物5.0千克CH 4 -C ha -1 yr -1 。这些数据表明,与施肥相比,长期在NT玉米上施用堆肥可使CO 2 的排放量减少38%,CH 4 的排放量减少167%。一般来说,土壤温度,气温和降水量与CO 2 排放量呈正相关。 C预算的估算表明,NT下的修正土壤是C汇,而未修正的系统是C来源。在NT玉米中使用堆肥化土壤改良剂可以提高土壤质量并减少温室气体净排放量。



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