首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Inferences from the vertical distribution of Fe isotopic compositions on pedogenetic processes in soils

Inferences from the vertical distribution of Fe isotopic compositions on pedogenetic processes in soils


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The isotopic compositions of major elements in soils can help understand the mechanisms and processes that control the evolution of soils and the nature and dynamics of the soil constituents. In this study, we investigated the variations of the Fe concentrations and isotopic compositions combined with classical soil parameters, such as granulometry, pH, and C and N concentrations. We selected three soils submitted to different hydrodynamic functioning along a toposequence: a well-drained Cambisol and two hydromorphic soils, an Albeluvisol and a Gleysol. In the Cambisol, the isotopic variations were small indicating little redistribution of Fe which we attributed to centimetric-scale exchanges from the Si-bound to the weakly-bound iron pools and insignificant subsurface Fe export. In contrast, the hydromorphic soils showed an overall variation of 0.37 parts per thousand for delta Fe-56 (delta Fe-56 (parts per thousand) = [(Fe-56 / Fe-54)(sample) / (Fe-56 / Fe-54)(IRMM-014) - 1] x 1000) and an inverse correlation between the Fe isotopic compositions and the oxide-bound Fe concentrations. We suggest that, in the uppermost horizon, the mobilisation of oxide-bound Fe was due to the reducing conditions and predominantly involved the light Fe isotopes. Similarly, within the Bt horizon of the Albeluvisol, the fluctuations of the water table level induced changes in the redox conditions and thus Fe dissolution and transport of isotopically light Fe. The Fe isotopic composition profile in the B/C horizon of the Gleysol is dominated by the signature of the parental material. Overall, the variations of the underground water table combined with topography-driven water flow were suggested to be the main mechanisms of Fe translocation in these hydromorphic soils. Finally, the comparison between Fe isotope profiles in worldwide soils allows us to show that Fe isotopic variations can help discriminate between various mechanisms and scales of Fe transfer in soils and, accordingly, provide information on the evolution of soils, when used in combination with pedological, geochemical, geographical, and environmental characterisations.
机译:土壤中主要元素的同位素组成可以帮助理解控制土壤演变以及土壤成分的性质和动态的机制和过程。在这项研究中,我们研究了铁浓度和同位素组成与经典土壤参数(例如粒度,pH以及碳和氮浓度)的变化。我们选择了三种具有相同的流体动力学功能的土壤:排水良好的坎比索尔和两种亲水性土壤,即沙丁胺醇和Gleysol。在坎比索尔,同位素变化很小,表明铁几乎没有重新分布,这归因于从硅结合铁到弱结合铁池的厘米级交换,以及地下铁的出口微不足道。相比之下,δ-Fe-56(δFe-56(千分之一)= [(Fe-56 / Fe-54)(样品)/(Fe-56 / Fe-54)(IRMM-014)-1] x 1000),并且Fe同位素组成与氧化物结合的Fe浓度成反比。我们建议,在最上面的视野中,与氧化物结合的铁的动员是由于还原条件,并且主要涉及轻铁同位素。类似地,在沙丁胺醇的Bt层位内,地下水位的波动引起氧化还原条件的变化,从而引起Fe的溶解和同位素轻铁的迁移。 Gleysol的B / C层中的Fe同位素组成特征主要由母体材料的特征决定。总的来说,地下水位的变化与地形驱动的水流相结合被认为是这些水质土壤中铁迁移的主要机理。最后,全球土壤中铁同位素分布之间的比较使我们表明,铁同位素变化可以帮助区分土壤中铁迁移的各种机制和规模,因此,与土壤学结合使用时,可以提供有关土壤演变的信息。 ,地球化学,地理和环境特征。



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