首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Rock fragments evolution and nutrients release in vineyard soils developed on a thinly layered limestone (Tuscany, Italy)

Rock fragments evolution and nutrients release in vineyard soils developed on a thinly layered limestone (Tuscany, Italy)


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This work dealt with two groups of vineyard soils developed from a thinly layered limestone in central Italy so as to evaluate the evolution of the rock fragments and their capability to release nutrients. One group consisted of five soils at 1-2 years after plantation of vines (renewed soils), while the other group was represented by five soils at 20-29 years from plantation (aged soils). Soils were sampled by horizons on a volume basis. Fine earth, rock fragments classed according to the degree of alteration, and fresh rock were analyzed for mineralogy, porosity, pH, total NH sub(4) super(+)-N, and extractable Ca, Mg and K. Results indicated that the rock fragments of the aged soils were less and appeared more altered than those of the renewed soils. This fact was ascribed to weathering processes that progressively transformed rock fragments into fine earth. Weathering of rock fragments was promoted by the calcite dissolution and the mechanical works made to break up the soil and for routine soil management. Because of this, rock fragments increased porosity and exposed new mineral surfaces to soil solution, with consequent reduction of their size and increasing of their friability and release of NH sub(4) super(+)-N, Ca, Mg and K.
机译:这项工作处理了从意大利中部一个薄层石灰岩发育而来的两组葡萄园土壤,以评估岩石碎片的演化及其释放养分的能力。一组由葡萄种植后1-2年的5种土壤组成(更新的土壤),而另一组由种植后20-29年的5种土壤(老化的土壤)代表。按层数对土壤进行采样。分析了细土,根据蚀变程度分类的岩石碎片和新鲜岩石的矿物学,孔隙度,pH,总NH sub(4)super(+)-N和可提取的Ca,Mg和K。与更新的土壤相比,老化土壤的岩石碎片更少,而且变化更大。这个事实归因于风化过程,该过程逐渐将岩石碎片转变成细土。方解石的溶解促进了岩石碎片的风化,其分解土壤和进行常规土壤管理的机械工作也得到了促进。因此,岩石碎块增加了孔隙度,并使新的矿物表面暴露于土壤溶液,从而减小了大小,增加了脆性,并​​释放了NH sub(4)super(+)-N,Ca,Mg和K。



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