首页> 外文期刊>Geoderma: An International Journal of Soil Science >Tillage and traffic effects on soil hydraulic properties and evaporation

Tillage and traffic effects on soil hydraulic properties and evaporation


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Evaporation is a major component of the water loss from the soil whose structure is modified by traffic and tillage. This study was undertaken to analyse, in field conditions, the effect of tillage and traffic on soil structure and evaporation, and to determine the role of the change in hydraulic properties on soil drying using water transfer model. Three structures of the ploughed layer were formed in a loess soil (Luvisol Orthique) and a calcareous soil (Rendzina): a fragmentary structure created by deep soil tillage in autumn or in spring (rotary tiller at 30 cm depth), a compacted ploughed layer created by compaction under wet conditions. The bulk density varied from 1.16 to 1.63 Mg m(-3) in the loess soil, from 1.00 to 1.45 Mg m(-3) in the calcareous soil. Evaporation was calculated from the change in soil water content and matric water potential profiles measured during the spring season. Soil hydraulic properties were estimated using an inverse modelling method applied to field measurements of water content and water potential or the Wind method. Soil structure greatly affected the drying of the calcareous soil: the evaporation of the compacted plot was about two times that of the tilled plot. The compacted plot dried out homogeneously, with a soil surface which remained wet. Evaporation mainly concerned the first 15 cm of the ploughed layer created by autumn or spring tillage. This effect of soil structure on evaporation was not observed in the loess soil. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was higher in the compacted plot than in the tilled plots in the calcareous soil. It was similar in the three plots of the loess soil, because of the formation of relict structural pores by compaction. Experimental and numerical results showed that unsaturated hydraulic conductivity is of major concern in soil drying and that the albedo and surface roughness have minor effects if any. The possible relict structural pores have to be characterised in various soils, as a function of soil sensitivity to compaction, traffic and tillage conditions.
机译:蒸发是土壤水分流失的主要组成部分,土壤的结构因交通和耕作而改变。这项研究旨在在田间条件下分析耕作和运输对土壤结构和蒸发的影响,并使用水转移模型确定水力性质变化对土壤干燥的作用。在黄土土壤(Luvisol Orthique)和石灰质土壤(Rendzina)中形成了耕层的三种结构:秋季或春季(深30 cm的旋耕分deep)深耕作产生的碎片结构,压实的耕层在潮湿条件下压实产生。在黄土中,堆积密度从1.16到1.63 Mg m(-3)变化,在石灰性土壤中,从1.00到1.45 Mg m(-3)变化。根据春季期间测得的土壤含水量和基质水势剖面的变化计算出蒸发量。土壤的水力特性是使用反模型方法(用于水含量和水势的野外测量)或“风”法估算的。土壤结构极大地影响了钙质土壤的干燥:压实地块的蒸发量约为耕地的蒸发量的两倍。压实的地块均匀干燥,土壤表面保持湿润。蒸发主要涉及秋季或春季耕作在耕层的前15厘米。在黄土中未观察到土壤结构对蒸发的影响。在钙质土壤中,压实土地的非饱和水力传导率高于耕作土壤。在黄土土壤的三个样区中,由于压实形成了遗留的结构孔,所以类似。实验和数值结果表明,不饱和导水率是土壤干燥的主要问题,反照率和表面粗糙度的影响较小。根据土壤对压实,运输和耕作条件的敏感性,必须在各种土壤中表征可能的残留物结构孔隙。



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