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New pulses in plant research


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The development of sustainable agriculture is a major challenge for humanity: we could eradicate hunger from the earth but still preserve our planet for coming generations, for example by using less pesticides and chemical fertilizers, reducing the greenhouse effect, maintaining small farming communities, preserving biodiversity. It is clear that legumes can provide a solution: in terms of protein content they are amongst the richest plants in the world, and they contribute to feeding the majority ofthe inhabitants of developing countries. Thanks to symbiotic nitrogen fixation, legumes do not need nitrogenous fertilizers, production of which consumes petroleum and which contribute significantly to groundwater pollution as well as to the greenhouseeffect. Last but not least, legumes are very rich in molecules that have potential pharmaceutical uses. As stated by Rodomiro Ortiz (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda) "food legumes are a gold-mine for the developing world", but their productivity remains limited by a lack of access to, and control of, water resources.
机译:可持续农业的发展是人类面临的主要挑战:我们可以消除地球上的饥饿,但仍可为子孙后代保护我们的星球,例如通过减少农药和化肥的使用,减少温室效应,维持小型农业社区,保护生物多样性。显而易见,豆类可以提供一种解决方案:就蛋白质含量而言,它们是世界上最丰富的植物之一,它们为发展中国家的大多数居民提供了食物。由于共生固氮,豆类不需要氮肥,而氮肥的生产消耗石油,并且对地下水污染和温室效应有很大的贡献。最后但并非最不重要的是,豆类中的分子非常丰富,具有潜在的药物用途。正如Rodomiro Ortiz(乌干达坎帕拉国际热带农业研究所)所说,“豆类食品是发展中国家的金矿”,但由于缺乏对水资源的获取和控制,豆类的生产力仍然受到限制。



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