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Geologic control of natural marine hydrocarbon seep emissions, Coal Oil Point seep field, California


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High-resolution sonar surveys, and a detailed subsurface model constructed from 3D seismic and well data allowed investigation of the relationship between the subsurface geology and gas-phase (methane) seepage for the Coal Oil Point (COP) seep field, one of the world's largest and best-studied marine oil and gas seep fields, located over a producing hydrocarbon reservoir near Santa Barbara, California. In general, the relationship between terrestrial gas seepage, migration pathways, and hydrocarbon reservoirs has been difficult to assess, in part because the detection and mapping of gas seepage is problematic. For marine seepage, sonar surveys are an effective tool for mapping seep gas bubbles, and thus spatial distributions. Seepage in the COP seep field occurs in an east-west-trending zone about 3-4 km offshore, and in another zone about 1-2 km from shore. The farthest offshore seeps are mostly located near the crest of a major fold, and also along the trend of major faults. Significantly, because faults observed to cut the fold do not account for all the observed seepage, seepage must occur through fracture and joint systems that are difficult to detect, including intersecting faults and fault damage zones. Inshore seeps are concentrated within the hanging wall of a major reverse fault. The subsurface model lacks the resolution to identify specific structural sources in that area. Although to first order the spatial distribution of seeps generally is related to the major structures, other factors must also control their distribution. The region is known to be critically stressed, which would enhance hydraulic conductivity of favorably oriented faults, joints, and bedding planes. We propose that this process explains much of the remaining spatial distribution.
机译:高分辨率声纳勘测以及通过3D地震和井数据构建的详细地下模型,可以研究世界上最大的煤油点(COP)渗流场的地下地质与气相(甲烷)渗漏之间的关系。位于加州圣塔芭芭拉(Santa Barbara)附近的一个正在开采的油气藏上方,是最大,研究最好的海洋油气渗漏田。总的来说,地面气体渗漏,运移路径和油气藏之间的关系很难评估,部分原因是气体渗漏的检测和测绘存在问题。对于海洋渗漏,声纳勘测是一种用于绘制渗漏气泡以及空间分布图的有效工具。 COP渗流场中的渗漏发生在近海约3-4公里的东西向趋势带,而离海岸约1-2 km的另一带则发生渗漏。最远的近海渗漏大多位于主要褶皱的波峰附近,也沿着主要断层的趋势。值得注意的是,由于观察到的切开褶皱的断层并不能解决所有观察到的渗流问题,因此渗漏必定会通过难以检测的裂缝和接头系统发生,包括相交的断层和断层破坏带。近海渗漏集中在主要逆断层的悬壁内。地下模型缺乏确定该地区特定结构源的分辨率。尽管一阶渗流的空间分布通常与主要结构有关,但其他因素也必须控制它们的分布。已知该区域处于临界应力状态,这将增强定向断裂,接缝和层理平面的水力传导性。我们建议此过程可以解释大部分剩余的空间分布。



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