首页> 外文期刊>Geochemical Journal >Nd concentration and isotopic composition distributions in surface waters of Northwest Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas

Nd concentration and isotopic composition distributions in surface waters of Northwest Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas


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Nd isotopic composition and concentration distributions were determined in surface waters of the Northwest Pacific Ocean and its adjacent seas, i.e., the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. The Okhotsk and Japan Seas samples showed higher Nd concentrations (19similar to31 pmol/kg) than the Northwest Pacific Ocean samples, suggesting a large amount of Nd input from the land areas surrounding the Okhotsk and Japan Seas. Although the Nd isotopic composition data were limited for those regions, each oceanic area showed a distinctive value. The lone sample from the Okhotsk Sea had radiogenic Nd (epsilon(Nd) = -3.6) that was comparable to samples from the Pacific Ocean, indicating a large amount of radiogenic Nd supply from the Kuril Islands. On the other hand, the Japan Sea samples had the most highly unradiogenic Nd (epsilon(Nd) = -8.9similar to-7.2). The southernmost sample had the most negative value, due to the influence of the Tsushima Warm Current (TWC) having a low epsilon(Nd) value. The latitudinal distributions of Nd isotopic composition and concentration in the surface waters of the Northwest Pacific Ocean showed marked variations. Nd concentration was low at low latitudes (3-8 pmol/kg) and was increased with increasing latitude (16similar to20 pmol/kg). On the other hand, Nd isotopic composition showed a mid-latitude minimum (epsilon(Nd) = similar to-6) and high epsilon(Nd) values at low and high latitudes (epsilon(Nd) = -2similar to-1). The distribution of the epsilon(Nd) values seemed to be controlled by three currents: Kuroshio Extension, Oyashio Current and North Equatorial Current (NEC). The Kuroshio Extension, which showed a low epsilon(Nd) Value, seemed to play an important role in transporting continentally derived Nd to the central Pacific. The Oyashio Current and NEC are supplied with large amounts of radiogenic Nd from the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, and the Hawaiian Islands, respectively.Based on the Nd isotopic composition and concentration distributions, we calculated the radiogenic Nd flux to the Pacific Ocean surface waters and estimated the Nd residence time. Our calculation suggested that the radiogenic Nd flux required to account for the Nd isotopic composition is higher than 70% of the unradiogenic Nd flux including Nd remobilization from coastal and shelf sediments and atmospheric input. It was also revealed that a large Nd remobilization flux is necessary to attain a global Nd residence time of similar to400 y as estimated in previous studies.
机译:在西北太平洋及其邻近海(鄂霍次克海和日本海)的地表水中确定了Nd同位素组成和浓度分布。鄂霍次克海和日本海样品显示的Nd浓度高于西北太平洋海域的Nd浓度(19近似于31 pmol / kg),表明鄂霍次克海和日本海周围的陆地有大量Nd输入。尽管这些地区的Nd同位素组成数据有限,但每个海洋区域都显示出独特的价值。鄂霍次克海的唯一样本具有与太平洋样本相当的放射源Nd(epsilon(Nd)= -3.6),表明千岛群岛有大量放射源Nd供应。另一方面,日本海样品的非放射性Nd最高(epsilon(Nd)= -8.9,类似于-7.2)。由于对马暖流(TWC)的epsilon(Nd)值较低,因此最南端的样品具有最大的负值。西北太平洋表层水Nd同位素组成和浓度的纬度分布表现出明显的变化。在低纬度(3-8 pmol / kg)下,Nd浓度较低,并且随着纬度的增加(16近似于20 pmol / kg)Nd浓度升高。另一方面,Nd同位素组成在低纬度和高纬度时都显示出中纬度最小值(epsilon(Nd)=类似于-6)和高epsilon(Nd)值(epsilon(Nd)= -2类似于-1)。 epsilon(Nd)值的分布似乎受三个电流控制:黑潮延伸,大潮潮和北赤道电流(NEC)。表现出较低的ε(Nd)值的黑潮延伸区似乎在将陆生来源的Nd输送到中太平洋的过程中发挥了重要作用。 Oyashio Current和NEC分别从千岛群岛,阿留申群岛和夏威夷群岛获得了大量的放射性Nd,根据Nd同位素组成和浓度分布,我们计算了向太平洋表层水和Nd的放射性Nd通量。估计Nd的停留时间。我们的计算表明,构成Nd同位素组成所需的放射性Nd通量要高于非放射性Nd通量的70%,包括从沿海和陆架沉积物中转移Nd以及大气输入。还发现,如以前的研究中估计的那样,要使Nd的总体滞留时间接近400 y,就必须要有较大的Nd迁移通量。



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