首页> 外文期刊>Geo-marine letters >Fluid expulsion features associated with sand waveson Australia's central North West Shelf

Fluid expulsion features associated with sand waveson Australia's central North West Shelf


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Multibeam swath bathymetric data collected in95-120 m water depth on Australia's North West Shelfrevealed two distinct populations of sand waves: a laterallyextensive, low-amplitude composite form comprising super-imposed dunes and ripples, and a laterally restricted formwhich has unusually high bedform heights and slopes. Theselarge subaqueous sand waves comprise bioclastic ooid/peloidsand. Significantly, evidence of seabed fluid flow wasdetected in association with the high-amplitude sand waves.This evidence includes seabed pockmarks approximately 2-15 m in diameter imaged with side-scan sonar, tubular andmassive carbonate concretions dredged from the seabed, andpotential active venting of a fluid plume from the seabedobserved during an underwater camera tow. Molecular andisotopic analyses of carbonate concretions collected fromwithin pockmarks associated with the high-amplitude sandwaves indicate that the fluids from which they precipitatedcomprise modem seawater and are not related to thermo-genic fluids or microbial gases. The fluid flow is interpretedto be driven by macrotidal currents flowing over therelatively steep slopes of the high-amplitude sand waves.Pockmarks and carbonate concretions then develop wherethe interstitial flows are confined and focused by subsurface`mounds' in a shallow seismic reflector.
机译:在澳大利亚西北大陆架95-120 m水深处收集的多波束测深数据揭示了两个不同的沙波群:横向扩展的低振幅复合形式,包括叠加的沙丘和波纹,以及横向受限的形式,具有异常高的床形高度和连续下坡。这些较大的水下砂波包含生物碎屑的卵石/胶体和。重要的是,发现了与高振幅沙波有关的海底流体流动的证据,包括以侧面扫描声纳成像的直径约2-15 m的海底麻点,从海底挖出的管状和大量碳酸盐岩凝结物以及潜在的主动放空水下照相机拖曳过程中从海底观察到的流体羽流。从与高振幅沙波有关的麻点内收集的碳酸盐岩固结物的分子和同位素分析表明,它们沉淀出的流体包括现代海水,与热源流体或微生物气体无关。流体流动被认为是由在高振幅砂波的相对陡峭的斜坡上流动的潮汐流驱动的。然后,在浅层地震反射层中,地下的土丘将缝隙流限制和聚集,从而形成了麻点和碳酸盐岩凝结。



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