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Application of L~1 -impulse method to the optimization problems in power theory


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In optimization power theory we can distinguish the three approaches:the theory of instant power values;the theory of average power values (integral power);the theory of instant-average power value.The theory of instant power uses the instant power and signals values i.e. p(t) = u(t)i(t) whereas the theory of average power uses the energy or average power terms i.e. P = (u(t), i(t)) (the dot the product of signals). The main problem in the average power theory comes from the Schwartz inequality:where || u ||=√(u,u), || i ||=√(i,i).This inequality causes numerous optimization problems, among which the norm of the current minimization is the most important one:|| i ||-> min,(u,i)-P = 0.Whereas the theory of instant-average power values joins both aforementioned methods and uses so-called 'instant active power':P(t) = ∫ u(t')i(t')dt'. The mathematic methods used in these theories derive from the theorems of signals and instant power modulation. This article deals only with the average power theory which uses the L1 impulses as an alternative to the Fourier series method. This technique is efficient when the energy is transmitted with highly distorted periodic signals.
机译:在优化功率理论中,我们可以区分三种方法:瞬时功率值理论,平均功率值(积分功率)理论,瞬时平均功率值理论。瞬时功率理论使用瞬时功率和信号值即p(t)= u(t)i(t),而平均功率理论使用能量或平均功率项,即P =(u(t),i(t))(点乘积信号)。平均功率理论中的主要问题来自Schwartz不等式: u || =√(u,u),|| i || =√(i,i)。这种不等式导致许多优化问题,其中当前最小化的规范是最重要的一个: i ||-> min,(u,i)-P =0。瞬时平均功率值的理论结合了上述两种方法,并使用了所谓的“瞬时有功功率”:P(t)=∫u(t ')i(t')dt'。这些理论中使用的数学方法源自信号定理和即时功率调制。本文仅涉及平均功率理论,该理论使用L1脉冲作为傅立叶级数方法的替代方法。当能量以高度失真的周期性信号传输时,此技术非常有效。



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