首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Sulfur isotope signatures in gypsiferous sedimentsof the Estancia and Tularosa Basins as indicators of sulfatesources, hydrological processes, and microbial activity

Sulfur isotope signatures in gypsiferous sedimentsof the Estancia and Tularosa Basins as indicators of sulfatesources, hydrological processes, and microbial activity


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In order to reconstruct paleo-environmental conditions for the saline playa lakes of the Rio Grande Rift, we investigatedsediment sulfate sources using sulfur isotope compositions of dissolved SO_4~(2-) ions in modern surface water, groundwater, andSO_4~(2-) precipitated in the form of gypsum sediments deposited during the Pleistocene and Holocene in Tularosa andEstancia Basins. The major sulfate sources are Lower and Middle Permian marine evaporites (δ34S of 10.9-14.4ie), butthe diverse physiography of the Tularosa Basin led to a complex drainage system which contributed sulfates from varioussources depending on the climate at the time of sedimentation. As inferred from sulfur isotope mass balance constraints,weathering of sulfides of magmatic/hydrothermal and sedimentary origin associated with climate oscillations during LastGlacial Maximum contributed about 35-50% of the sulfates and led to deposition of gypsum with δ34S values of -1.2ieto 2.2ie which are substantially lower than Permian evaporates. In the Estancia Basin, microbial sulfate reduction appearsto overprint sulfur isotopic signatures that might elucidate past groundwater flows. A Rayleigh distillation model indicatesthat about 3-18% of sulfates from an inorganic groundwater pool (δ34S of 12.6-13.8ie) have been metabolized by bacteriaand preserved as partially to fully reduced sulfur-bearing minerals species (elemental sulfur, monosulfides, disulfides) with dis-tinctly negative δ34S values (-42.3ieto -20.3ie) compared to co-existing gypsum (-3.8ie to 22.4ie). For the Tularosa Basinmicrobial sulfate reduction had negligible effect on δ34S value of the gypsiferous sediments most likely because of higherannual temperatures (15-33 °C) and lower organic carbon content (median 0.09%) in those sediments leading to more efficientoxidation of H2S and/or smaller rates of sulfate reduction compared to the saline playas of the Estancia Basin (5-28 °C; med-ian 0.46% of organic carbon). The White Sands region of the Tularosa Basin is frequently posited as a hydrothermal analogue for Mars. High temper-atures of groundwater (33.3 °C) and high δ180(H20) values (1.1ie) in White Sands, however, are controlled predominantly byseasonal evaporation rather than the modern influx of hydrothermal fluids. Nevertheless, it is possible that some of the geo-chemical processes in White Sands, such as sulfide weathering during climate oscillations and upwelling of highly mineralizedwaters, might be considered as valid terrestrial analogues for the sulfate cycle in places such as Meridiani Planum on Mars.
机译:为了重建里奥格兰德大裂谷盐湖海滩的古环境条件,我们利用溶解的SO_4〜(2-)离子在现代地表水,地下水和SO_4〜(2-)中沉淀的硫同位素组成研究了沉积物的硫酸盐源。以Tularosa和Estancia盆地的更新世和全新世沉积的石膏沉积物的形式存在。硫酸盐的主要来源是下二叠纪和中二叠纪海相蒸发岩(δ34S为10.9-14.4ie),但是图拉洛萨盆地的多种多样的地貌导致了一个复杂的排水系统,根据沉积时的气候,硫酸盐来自各种来源。从硫同位素质量平衡约束推断,与LastGlacial Maximum期间的气候振荡相关的岩浆/水热和沉积成因的硫化物的风化贡献了约35-50%的硫酸盐,并导致了δ34S值为-1.2ieto 2.2ie的石膏沉积。远低于二叠纪的蒸发量。在埃斯坦西亚盆地,硫酸盐微生物的减少似乎覆盖了硫同位素特征,可能阐明了过去的地下水流。 Rayleigh蒸馏模型表明,无机地下水池(δ34S为12.6-13.8ie)中约3-18%的硫酸盐已被细菌代谢,并保留为部分还原为完全还原的含硫矿物质(元素硫,一硫化物,二硫化物)。与共存的石膏(-3.8ie至22.4ie)相比,δ34S值明显为负(-42.3ieto -20.3ie)。对于图拉罗萨盆地,硫酸盐的还原对石膏状沉积物的δ34S值的影响微不足道,这很可能是因为这些沉积物中的年温度较高(15-33°C)和有机碳含量较低(中位数为0.09%)导致了H2S和/或与Estancia盆地的盐沼相比,硫酸盐的还原率更低(5-28°C;有机碳的0.46%)。 Tularosa盆地的白沙地区经常被认为是火星的热液类似物。然而,白沙中的地下水高温(33.3°C)和高δ180(H20)值(1.1ie)主要是通过季节蒸发而不是现代热液流入来控制的。然而,在白沙的某些地球化学过程,例如气候振荡期间的硫化物风化和高度矿化水的上升流,可能被认为是诸如火星上的Meridiani Planum等地硫酸盐循环的有效陆地类似物。



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