首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >A search for nickel isotopic anomalies in iron meteorites and chondrites

A search for nickel isotopic anomalies in iron meteorites and chondrites


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We report Ni isotopic data, for 58.60-62N_, on (1) FeNi metal and sulfides in different groups of iron meteorites, (2) sulfides and a whole rock sample of the St. Séverin chondrite, and (3) chondrules from the Chainpur chondrite. We have developed improved, Multiple-Collector, Positive ion Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometric (MC-PTIMS) techniques, with Ni~+ ion_ization efficiency at 1%~o, and chemical separation techniques for Ni which reduce mass interferences to the 1 ppm level, so that no mass interference corrections need be applied, except for ~(64)Ni (from ~(64)Zn, at the 0.1 %o level), for which we do not report results. We normalize the data to ~(62)Ni/~(58)Ni to correct for mass dependent isotope fractionation. No evidence was found for resolved radiogenic or general Ni isotope anomalies at the resolution levels of 0.2 and 0.5 cu (au = 0.01%) for ~(60)Ni/~(58)Ni and ~(6l)Ni/~(58)Ni, respectively. From the 56Fe/58Ni ratios and ε(~(60)Ni/~(58)Ni) values, we calculate upper limits for the initial value of (~(60)Fе/~(56)Fe)_0 of (a) 2.7 x 10~-7 for Chainpur chondrules, (b) <10~-8 for the St. Séverin sulfide, and (c) <4 x 10~-9 for sulfides from iron meteorites. We measured some of the same meteorites measured by other workers, who reported isotopic anomalies in Ni, using Multiple-Collector, Inductively-Coupled Mass Spectrometry. Our results do not support the previous reports of Ni isotopic anomalies in sulfide samples from Mundrabilla by Cook et al. [Cook D. L., Clayton R. N., Wadhwa M., Janney P. E., and Davis A. M. (2008). Nickel isotopic anomalies in troilite from iron meteorites. Geophy. Res. Lett. 35, L01203] and in sulfides from Toluca and Odessa by Quitté et al. [Quitté G., Meier M., Latkoczy C., Halliday A. N., and Gunther D., (2006). Nickel isotopes in iron meteorites-nucleosynthetic anomalies in sulfides with no effects in metals and no trace of ~(60)Fe. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 242, 16-25]. Hence, we find no need for specialized physical_chemical planetary processes for the preserva_tion of different Ni isotope compositions, between FeNi metal and sulfides in the same iron meteorites, as proposed by the above reports nor for complex astrophysical scenarios to provide the very peculiar Ni isotope anomalies reported by these workers for sulfides.
机译:我们报告了58.60-62N_的Ni同位素数据,涉及以下方面:(1)不同组的铁陨石中的FeNi金属和硫化物,(2)St.Séverin球粒陨石的硫化物和整个岩石样品,以及(3)Chainpur的球粒球粒陨石。我们开发了经过改进的多收集器正离子热电离质谱技术(MC-PTIMS),其Ni〜+离子化效率为1%o,而Ni的化学分离技术可将质量干扰降低至1 ppm,因此,除了〜(64)Ni(来自〜(64)Zn,在0.1%o的水平)外,不需要进行质量干扰校正,我们没有报告结果。我们将数据归一化为〜(62)Ni /〜(58)Ni,以校正质量相关的同位素分馏。没有证据表明〜(60)Ni /〜(58)Ni和〜(6l)Ni /〜(58)的分辨水平为0.2和0.5 cu(au = 0.01%)的已解决的放射源或一般Ni同位素异常镍。从56Fe / 58Ni比和ε(〜(60)Ni /〜(58)Ni)值,我们计算(a)的(〜(60)Fе/〜(56)Fe)_0初始值的上限对于Chainpur球藻,为2.7 x 10〜-7,(b)对于圣塞韦林硫化物为<10〜-8,对于(c)对于陨石铁的硫化物为<4 x 10〜-9。我们使用多收集器,电感耦合质谱法测量了其他工人测量的一些相同的陨石,这些工人报告了镍中的同位素异常。我们的结果不支持Cook等人先前从Mundrabilla的硫化物样品中发现Ni同位素异常的报道。 [Cook D. L.,Clayton R. N.,Wadhwa M.,Janney P. E.和Davis A. M.(2008)。铁陨石在三叶草中的镍同位素异常。地理学。 Res。来吧Quitté等人在Toluca和Odessa的硫化物中发现了[35,L01203]。 [QuittéG.,Meier M.,Latkoczy C.,Halliday A. N.和Gunther D。,(2006年)。硫化物中的铁陨石-核合成异常中的镍同位素,对金属没有影响,也没有〜(60)Fe的痕迹。地球行星。科学来吧242,16-25]。因此,我们发现不需要专门的物理化学行星过程来保护上述报告中提出的在同一铁陨石中的FeNi金属和硫化物之间的不同Ni同位素组成,也不需要复杂的天体场景来提供非常独特的Ni同位素异常这些工人报告有硫化物。



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