
Isotopic fractionation of Cu in tektites


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Tektites are terrestrial natural glasses of up to a few centimeters in size that were produced during hypervelocity impacts on the Earth’s surface. It is well established that the chemical and isotopic composition of tektites is generally identical to that of the upper terrestrial continental crust. Tektites typically have very low water content, which has generally been explained by volatilization at high temperature; however, the exact mechanism is still debated. Because volatilization can fractionate isotopes, comparing the isotopic composition of volatile elements in tektites with those of their source rocks may help to understand the physical conditions during tektite formation.Interestingly, volatile chalcophile elements (e.g., Cd and Zn) seem to be the only elements for which isotopic fractionation is known so far in tektites. Here, we extend this study to Cu, another volatile chalcophile element. We have measured the Cu isotopic composition for 20 tektite samples from the four known different strewn fields. All of the tektites (except the Muong Nong-types) are enriched in the heavy isotopes of Cu (1.98 < d65Cu < 6.99) in comparison to the terrestrial crust (d65Cu 0) with no clear distinction between the different groups. The Muong Nong-type tektites and a Libyan Desert Glass sample are not fractionated (d65Cu 0) in comparison to the terrestrial crust. To refine the Cu isotopic composition of the terrestrial crust, we also present data for three geological reference materials (d65Cu 0).An increase of d65Cu with decreasing Cu abundance probably reflects that the isotopic fractionation occurred by evaporation during heating. A simple Rayleigh distillation cannot explain the Cu isotopic data and we suggest that the isotopic fractionation is governed by a diffusion-limited regime. Copper is isotopically more fractionated than the more volatile element Zn (d66/64Zn up to 2.49&). This difference of behavior between Cu and Zn is predicted in a diffusion-limited regime, where the magnitude of the isotopic fractionation is regulated by the competition between the evaporative flux and the diffusive flux at the diffusion boundary layer. Due to the difference of ionic charge in silicates (Zn2+ vs. Cu+), Cu has a diffusion coefficient that is larger than that of Zn by at least two orders of magnitude. Therefore, the larger isotopic fractionation in Cu than in Zn in tektites is due to the significant difference in their respective chemical diffusivity.
机译:陨石是地球上天然的玻璃,其大小高达几厘米,是在超高速撞击地球表面时产生的。众所周知,白铁矿的化学和同位素组成通常与上陆陆壳的化学组成和同位素组成相同。陨石通常具有非常低的水含量,这通常可以通过高温挥发来解释。然而,确切的机制仍在争论中。由于挥发作用可以使同位素分离,因此将陨石中挥发性元素的同位素组成与其烃源岩的同位素组成进行比较可能有助于了解陨石形成过程中的物理条件。有趣的是,挥发性硫族元素(例如Cd和Zn)似乎是唯一的元素迄今为止,在白铁矿中同位素分馏是已知的。在这里,我们将这项研究扩展到了另一种挥发性硫族元素Cu。我们已经测量了四个已知散布场中20个陨石样品的Cu同位素组成。与地壳(d65Cu 0)相比,所有的陨石(Muong Nong型除外)都富含铜的重同位素(1.98



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