首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Sr-87/Sr-86 and Sr/Ca in speleothems for paleoclimate reconstruction in Central China between 70 and 280 kyr ago

Sr-87/Sr-86 and Sr/Ca in speleothems for paleoclimate reconstruction in Central China between 70 and 280 kyr ago

机译:Sr-87 / Sr-86和Sr / Ca在脾脏中用于在70至280年以前在中国中部重建古气候

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Limestone cave deposits (speleothems) provide archives for past changes in regional climates over a range of timescales. While delta(18)O and delta(13)C in speleothem calcite have been commonly used for reconstruction of paleoclimates, we report here further efforts in the use of Sr-87/Sr-86 and Sr/Ca signals in speleothem calcite to deduce paleomonsoon variability near the Loess Plateau of central China. A two end-member mass-balance model of concentration and isotopic composition of strontium in a cave system is used to estimate variation of the Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio in sediments overlying a limestone cave. We show that this ratio reflects climate-driven variations in the provenance and the extent of chemical weathering of the epikarstic sediments. The measurements of Sr-87/Sr-86 made on a well-dated stalagmite, SFL, from Buddha Cave (33 degrees 40N' 109 degrees 05'E) show ratios of 0.71092 to 0.71133 (+/- 0.00001 as 2 sigma) during relatively cold periods (e.g., Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5b, 5d, and 8), lower than ratios of 0.71133 to 0.71194 during relatively warm periods (e.g., MIS 5a, 5c, 5e, and 7). As changes in the Sr/Ca ratio may affect speleothem 87Sr/86Sr, we show that the direct use of speleothem Sr-87/Sr-86 is less ideal than our modeled Sr-87/Sr-86 for the exogenic Sr source above the cave as a paleomonsoon proxy. Using the delta(18)O, delta(13)C, Sr/Ca, and Sr-87/Sr-86 records of the stalagmite, we reconstruct the variability of the East Asian monsoon for the time period between 70 and 280 kyr ago. The results show that summer monsoons were more intense during interglacial periods than during glacial periods. Copyright (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd.
机译:石灰岩洞穴沉积物(石窟)提供了过去一段时间内区域气候过去变化的档案。尽管在方解石中常使用δ(18)O和δ(13)C来重建古气候,但我们在此报告了在方解石中利用Sr-87 / Sr-86和Sr / Ca信号进行进一步努力的推论中国中部黄土高原附近的古季风变化。利用洞穴系统中锶的浓度和同位素组成的两个末端成员质量平衡模型来估算石灰岩洞穴上覆沉积物中Sr-87 / Sr-86比的变化。我们表明,该比率反映出表皮沉积物的物源和化学风化程度的气候驱动变化。在佛陀洞(33度40N'109度05'E)上,在陈年良好的石笋SFL上进行的Sr-87 / Sr-86测量表明,在测试期间,比率为0.71092至0.71133(+/- 0.00001作为2 sigma)。相对寒冷的时期(例如,海洋同位素阶段(MIS)5b,5d和8),低于相对温暖的时期(例如,MIS 5a,5c,5e和7)的比率0.71133与0.71194。由于Sr / Ca比值的变化可能会影响speleothem 87Sr / 86Sr,我们证明直接使用speleothem Sr-87 / Sr-86较我们建模的Sr-87 / Sr-86较不理想,因为Sr / Ca比值高于洞穴作为古统的代理。利用石笋的delta(18)O,delta(13)C,Sr / Ca和Sr-87 / Sr-86记录,我们重建了70至280年前的东亚季风的变化性。结果表明,夏季风在冰期之间比冰期期间更强烈。版权所有(c)2005 Elsevier Ltd.



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