首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Geographic control in Pb isotope distribution and sources in Indian Ocean Fe-Mn deposits

Geographic control in Pb isotope distribution and sources in Indian Ocean Fe-Mn deposits


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High-precision Pb isotope data have been obtained on Indian Ocean Fe-Mn deposits with a large geographic coverage. These data reveal a strong geographic control on the distribution of Pb isotopes as well as sources of Pb within this basin. The provinciality of Pb isotopes at the scale of the whole Indian Ocean, as well as that of individual basins, broadly matches the pattern of deepwater flow. The existence of several sources of Pb is best illustrated by the presence of three well-defined Pb isotopic arrays, each of which is confined to clear-cut geographic domains. These arrays imply a dominance of binary mixing of Pb sources within each of these domains. The domains consist of the North-Indian (N-Indian; north of 20°S), Southwest-Indian (SW-Indian; 20°S to 50°S, west of 45°E), South-Indian (S-Indian; 20°S to 50°S, east of 45°E) and Antarctic-Indian (A-Indian; south of 50°S), and clearly exhibit a strong control by latitude. The S-Indian domain and Mozambique Channel samples form a cluster, suggesting that there are more than just two sources contributing in these regions. We show that the N-Indian is dominated by sources of Pb derived from the High Himalayas and the Trans-Himalayan Complex, and most likely inherited from interaction at the water interface with Bengal and Indus Fan sediments. The SW-Indian and A-Indian domains share a common unradiogenic component, represented by circumpolar waters derived from the Pacific Ocean and flowing through the Drake Passage into the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. However, the radiogenic sources of Pb in these two domains are clearly distinct. In the SW-Indian, the radiogenic Pb signal reflects the tongue of North Atlantic Deep Water flowing around the tip of South Africa, while in the A-Indian, the source of radiogenic Pb is less certain, but quite probably originates in the Weddell Sea region. These data illustrate the complexity of the spatial Pb isotopic distribution, and Pb sources, within a single ocean basin at the present day, which should be borne in mind when interpreting long-term radiogenic isotope paleorecords from Fe-Mn crusts.
机译:已在印度洋具有较大地理覆盖范围的铁锰矿床上获得了高精度的铅同位素数据。这些数据揭示了对该盆地内铅同位素的分布以及铅源的强大地理控制。整个印度洋以及各个盆地规模的铅同位素的地方性,都与深水流动的模式大致相符。通过三个定义明确的Pb同位素阵列可以很好地说明Pb几种来源的存在,每个阵列都限于明确的地理区域。这些阵列暗示着在每个域中Pb源的二进制混合占主导地位。域包括北印度(北印度; 20°S以北),西南印度(西南印度; 20°S至50°S,45°E以西),南印度(南印度) ; 20°S至50°S,在45°E以东)和南极印度(A-Indian; 50°S以南),显然表现出对纬度的强烈控制。 S-Indian域和莫桑比克海峡样本构成一个集群,这表明在这些区域中贡献的来源不止两个。我们表明,北印度人是由喜马拉雅山和喜马拉雅山脉复杂带的铅来源所主导,最有可能是从与孟加拉和印度河扇沉积物的水界面相互作用中继承而来的。南印度洋和印度洋域共享一个共同的非放射成分,以源自太平洋的极地水为代表,并通过德雷克海峡流入大西洋和印度洋。但是,这两个域中Pb的放射源显然不同。在印度西南部,放射源的铅信号反映了北大西洋深水流经南非尖端的舌头,而在印度南部,放射源的铅的来源尚不确定,但很可能起源于韦德尔海地区。这些数据说明了当今单个海盆中空间铅同位素分布和铅源的复杂性,在解释铁锰结壳的长期放射性同位素古记录时应牢记这一点。



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