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Solubility of NaCl in CO2 at high pressure and temperature: First experimental measurements


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NaCl solubility in gaseous carbon dioxide has been measured in the pressure range from 30 to 70 MPa at 623 and 673 K. Our originally-designed high pressure apparatus allows in situ sampling of a portion of the fluid phase for chemical analysis. The results indicate that the solubility of NaCl increases with both temperature and pressure, and is about 4-5 orders of magnitude higher than saturated NaCl pressure values at the same temperature conditions (6.02 x 10(-12) at 623 K and 1.51 x 10 at 673 K). It is also 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than predictions according to the Equation of State of the ternary H2O-CO2-NaCl system by Duan, Moeller and Weare [Duan, Z., Moller, N., and Weare, J. H. (1995) Equation of state for the NaCl-H2O-CO2 system: prediction of phase equilibria and volumetric properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 59, 2869] and has the opposite pressure dependence. The activity values of NaCl in the vapor phase, calculated from the experiments (with pure molten NaCl as a standard state in the vapor), have been fitted to the Darken Quadratic Formalism: RT In a(NaCl,v) = RT In x(NaCl),(v).x(NaCl,v)+ B-NaCl,v(G) where, x(NaCl,v) is mole the fraction of NaCl in the vapor phase, W-NaCl-Co2(G) = (1936.3 - 43.669 - P) x 10(6), B-NaCl-CO2(G) = 106 G, 83, 754 - 420.1 - P, where P is the pressure in MPa and T the absolute temperature. Caution should be exerted While extrapolating this empirical equation far beyond the experimental P-T-compositional range. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在623和673 K压力下,在30至70 MPa的压力范围内,测量了NaCl在气态二氧化碳中的溶解度。我们最初设计的高压设备可就地取样一部分液相,以进行化学分析。结果表明,NaCl的溶解度随温度和压力的增加而增加,并且比相同温度条件下(6232和6.01 x 10(-12))的饱和NaCl压力值高约4-5个数量级。在673 K)。它也比Duan,Moeller和Weare [Duan,Z.,Moller,N.和Weare,JH(1995)的三元H2O-CO2-NaCl系统的状态方程所预测的值大1-2个数量级。 )NaCl-H2O-CO2系统的状态方程:相平衡和体积特性的预测。 Geochim。宇宙猫Acta 59,2869]并具有相反的压力依赖性。由实验计算得出的气相NaCl的活度值(以纯熔融的NaCl作为气相的标准态)已拟合为Darking Quadratic Formalism:RT In a(NaCl,v)= RT In x( NaCl),(v).x(NaCl,v)+ B-NaCl,v(G)其中,x(NaCl,v)是NaCl在气相中的分数,W-NaCl-Co2(G)= (1936.3-43.669-P)x 10(6),B-NaCl-CO2(G)= 106 G,83,754-420.1-P,其中P为以MPa为单位的压力,T为绝对温度。在外推这一经验方程时,应谨慎行事,远远超出实验的P-T组成范围。 (C)2007 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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