
Controls on the D/H ratios of plant leaf waxes in an arid ecosystem

机译:干旱生态系统中植物叶蜡的D / H比控制

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The extent to which leaf water D-enrichment (transpiration) and soil water D-enrichment (evaporation) affect the D/H ratio of plant leaf waxes remains a contentious issue, with important implications for paleohydrologic reconstructions. In this study we measure dD values of precipitation (dDp), groundwater (dDgw), plant xylem water (dDxw) and leaf water (dDlw) to understand their impact on the dD values of plant leaf wax n-alkanes (dDwax) in an arid ecosystem. Our survey includes multiple species at four sites across an aridity gradient (80–30% relative humidity) in southern California. We find that many species take up groundwater or precipitation without significant fractionation. D-enriched soil water is a minor source even in species known to perform and utilize waters from hydraulic lift, such as Larrea tridentata (+10&). Measurements of leaf water isotopic composition demonstrate that transpiration is an important mechanism for D-enrichment of leaf waters (+74 ± 20&, 1r), resulting in the smallest net fractionation yet reported between source water and leaf waxes (L. tridentata 41&; multi-species mean value is 94 ± 21&, 1r). We find little change in leaf water D-enrichment or net fractionation across the climatic gradient sampled by our study, suggesting that a net fractionation of ca. 90& may be appropriate for paleohydrologic reconstructions in semi-arid to arid environments. Large interspecies offsets in net fractionations (1r = 21&) are potentially troublesome, given the observed floristic diversity and the likelihood of species assemblage changes with climate shifts.
机译:叶水D富集(蒸腾作用)和土壤水D富集(蒸发)在多大程度上影响植物叶蜡的D / H比仍然是一个有争议的问题,对古水文重建具有重要意义。在这项研究中,我们测量了降水(dDp),地下水(dDgw),植物木质部水(dDxw)和叶片水(dDlw)的dD值,以了解它们对植物叶片蜡正构烷烃(dDwax)dD值的影响。干旱的生态系统。我们的调查涵盖了加利福尼亚南部干旱梯度(相对湿度80–30%)的四个地点的多个物种。我们发现许多物种吸收地下水或降水而没有明显的分级分离。富含D的土壤水即使在已知能够表现和利用水力提升水的物种中也很少,例如Larrea tridentata(+ 10&)。对叶水同位素组成的测量表明,蒸腾作用是叶水D富集的重要机制(+74±20&,1r),导致源水和叶蜡之间的净分馏最小(L. tridentata 41&; multi) -种平均值为94±21&,1r)。我们的研究发现,在整个气候梯度范围内,叶片水分D富集或净分馏几乎没有变化,这表明净分馏系数约为。 90和可能适用于半干旱到干旱环境中的古水文重建。鉴于观察到的植物区系多样性和物种组合随气候变化而变化的可能性,净分馏中较大的种间偏移(1r = 21&)可能会带来麻烦。



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