首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Large thallium isotopic variations in iron meteorites and evidence for lead-205 in the early solar system

Large thallium isotopic variations in iron meteorites and evidence for lead-205 in the early solar system


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Lead-205 decays to Tl-205 with a half-life of 15 Myr and should have been present in the early solar system according to astrophysical models. However, despite numerous attempts, Tl isotopic measurements of meteorites have been unable to demonstrate convincingly its former presence. Here, we report large (similar to 5 parts per thousand) variations in Tl isotope composition in metal and troilite fragments from a range of iron meteorites that were determined at high precision using multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The Tl isotopic compositions of seven metal samples of the IAB iron meteorites Toluca and Canyon Diablo define a correlation with Pb-204/Tl-203. When interpreted as an isochron, this corresponds to an initial Pb-201/Pb-204 ratio of (7.4 +/- 1.0) x 10(-5). Alternative explanations for the correlation, such as mixing of variably mass-fractionated meteorite components or terrestrial contamination are harder to reconcile with independent constraints. However, troilite nodules from Toluca and Canyon Diablo contain Tl that is significantly less radiogenic than co-existing metal with isotope compositions that are variable and decoupled from Pb-204/Tl-203. These effects are similar to those recently reported by others for Fe and Ni isotopes in iron meteorite sulfides and appear to be the result of kinetic stable isotope fractionation during diffusion. Though it cannot conclusively be shown that the metal fragments are unaffected by the secondary processes that disturbed the troilites, mass balance modeling indicates that the alteration of the troilites is unlikely to have significantly affected the Tl isotope compositions of the co-existing metals. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the IAB metal isochron is a product of the in situ decay of Pb-205. If the I-Xe ages of IAB silicate inclusions record the same event as the Pb-205-Tl-205 chronometer then crystallization of the IAB metal was probably completed between 10 and 20 Myr after the condensation of the first solids. This implies an initial solar system Pb-205/Pb-204 of (1.0 +/- 2.1) x 10(-4), which is in excellent agreement with recently published astrophysical predictions. Similar calculations yield an initial solar system Tl isotope composition of epsilon Tl-205 = -2.8 +/- 1.7. The Tl isotopic composition and concentration of the silicate Earth depends critically on the timing and mechanism of core formation and Earth's volatile element depletion history. Modeling of the Earth's accretion and core formation using the calculated initial solar system Tl isotope composition and Pb-205/Pb-204, however, does not yield reasonable results for the silicate Earth unless either the Earth lost Tl and Pb late in its accretion history or the core contains much higher concentrations of Pb and Tl than are found in iron meteorites. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:铅205衰变至Tl-205的半衰期为15 Myr,根据天体物理模型,铅应已存在于早期太阳系中。然而,尽管进行了许多尝试,陨石的T1同位素测量仍不能令人信服地证明其先前的存在。在这里,我们报道了使用多收集器电感耦合等离子体质谱法高精度测定的一系列铁陨石中金属和三叶草碎片中T1同位素组成的大(约千分之五)变化。 IAB铁陨石Toluca和Canyon Diablo的七个金属样品的T1同位素组成定义了与Pb-204 / T1-203的相关性。当解释为等时时,这对应于(7.4 +/- 1.0)x 10(-5)的初始Pb-201 / Pb-204比。关于这种相关性的其他解释,例如质量分数可变的陨石成分的混合或陆地污染,在独立的约束条件下很难调和。但是,来自托卢卡(Toluca)和峡谷暗黑破坏神(Canyon Diablo)的三叶虫结核所含的T1的放射原性明显低于与同位素组成可变且与Pb-204 / T1-203分离的共存金属。这些效应与其他人最近在陨铁硫化物中的Fe和Ni同位素报道的相似,并且似乎是扩散过程中动力学稳定的同位素分级分离的结果。尽管不能最终显示出金属碎片不受扰动三叶草的次级过程的影响,但质量平衡模型表明,三叶草的变化不太可能显着影响共存金属的T1同位素组成。因此,可以合理地得出结论,IAB金属等时线是Pb-205原位衰减的产物。如果IAB硅酸盐夹杂物的I-Xe年龄记录与Pb-205-Tl-205天文钟表相同的事件,则IAB金属的结晶可能在第一个固体冷凝后的10至20 Myr之间完成。这意味着初始太阳系Pb-205 / Pb-204为(1.0 +/- 2.1)x 10(-4),这与最近发表的天体物理预测非常吻合。相似的计算产生εTl-205 = -2.8 +/- 1.7的初始太阳系Tl同位素组成。 Tl同位素组成和硅酸盐地球的浓度主要取决于岩心形成的时间和机制以及地球的挥发性元素消耗历史。但是,使用计算出的初始太阳系T1同位素组成和Pb-205 / Pb-204对地球的吸积和核心形成进行建模,对于硅酸盐地球不会产生合理的结果,除非地球在其吸积历史后期失去了Tl和Pb或者铁心中的铅和T的浓度比铁陨石中的高得多。 (c)2006 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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