首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Low delta O-18 zircons, U-Pb dating, and the age of the Qinglongshan oxygen and hydrogen isotope anomaly near Donghai in Jiangsu Province, China

Low delta O-18 zircons, U-Pb dating, and the age of the Qinglongshan oxygen and hydrogen isotope anomaly near Donghai in Jiangsu Province, China


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Zircons from metamorphosed granites exposed near Qinglongshan have delta(18)O(VSMOW) values of -7 to 0parts per thousand in both grain rims and cores. The concordant U-238/Pb-206 ages of zircon cores are 684 to 754 Ma with rims at 221 Ma. Discordant U-238/Pb-206 ages range from 242 to 632 Ma. Results demonstrate a Neoproterozoic age for the origin of the Qinglongshan oxygen and hydrogen isotope anomaly. The low delta(18)O values were imprinted on the rocks by a hydrothermal system charged with meteoric water from a cold climate. Groundwater circulation was driven by heat from cooling granitic magma. The geologic age of the hydrothermal system correlates with that of the Nantuo tillite in the Sinian strata of the South China block, suggesting that Qinglongshan's cold climate may be a manifestation of Neoproterozoic "snowball Earth." Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. [References: 47]
机译:在青龙山附近暴露的变质花岗岩中的锆石,其粒缘和核心的δ(18)O(VSMOW)值均为千分之-7至0。锆石岩心的U-238 / Pb-206一致年龄为684至754 Ma,边缘为221 Ma。不和谐的U-238 / Pb-206年龄范围为242至632 Ma。结果表明,青龙山氧和氢同位素异常的起源是新元古代。低的delta(18)O值是由装满来自寒冷气候的流水的热液系统印在岩石上的。冷却花岗岩岩浆产生的热量驱动地下水循环。热液系统的地质年龄与华南块体震旦系地层的南拓铁素体的地质年龄有关,表明青龙山的寒冷气候可能是新元古代“雪球地球”的一种表现。版权所有(C)2002 Elsevier ScienceLtd。[参考:47]



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