首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Behavior of accessory phases and redistribution of Zr, REE, Y, Th, and U during metamorphism and partial melting of metapelites in the lower crust: An example from the Kinzigite Formation of Ivrea-Verbano, NW Italy

Behavior of accessory phases and redistribution of Zr, REE, Y, Th, and U during metamorphism and partial melting of metapelites in the lower crust: An example from the Kinzigite Formation of Ivrea-Verbano, NW Italy


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This study is aimed at understanding the behavior of monazite, xenotime, apatite and zircon, and the redistribution of Zr, REE, Y, Th, and U among melt, rock-forming and accessory phases in a prograde metamorphic sequence, the Kinzigite Formation of Ivrea-Verbano, NW Italy, that may represent a section from the middle to lower continental crust. Metamorphism ranges from middle amphibolite to granulite facies and metapelites show evidence of intense partial melting and melt extraction. The appearance of melt controls the grain size, fraction of inclusions and redistribution of REE, Y, Th, and U among accessories and major minerals. The textural evolution of zircon and monazite follows, in general, the model of Watson et al. (1989). Apatite is extracted from the system dissolved into partial melts. Xenotime is consumed in garnet-forming reactions and is the first source for the elevated Y and HREE contents of garnet. Once xenotime is exhausted, monazite, apatite, zircon, K-feldspar, and plagioclase are progressively depleted in Y, HREE, and MREE as the modal abundance of garnet increases. Monazite is severely affected by two retrograde reactions, which may have consequences for U-Pb dating of this mineral. Granulite-grade metapelites (stronalites) are significantly richer in Ti, Al, Fe, Mg, Sc, V, Cr, Zn, Y, and HREE, and poorer in Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Tl, U, and P, but have roughly the same average concentration of Cu, Sr, Pb, Zr, Ba, LREE, and Th as amphibolite-grade metapelites (kinzigites). The kinzigite-stronalite transition is marked by the sudden change of Th/U from 5-6 to 14-15, the progressive increase of Nb/Ta, and the decoupling of Ho from Y. Leucosomes were saturated in zircon, apatite, and (except at the lowest degree of partial melting) monazite. Their REE patterns, especially the magnitude of the Eu anomaly, depend on the relative proportion of feldspars and monazite incorporated into the melt. The presence of monazite in the source causes an excellent correlation of LREE and Th, with nearly constant Nd/Th approx= 2.5-3. The U depletion and increase in Th/U characteristic of granulite facies only happens in monazite-bearing rocks. It is attributed to enhancement of the U partitioning in the melt due to elevated Cl activity followed by the release of a Cl-rich F-poor aqueous fluid at the end of the crystallization of leucosomes. Halide activity in partial melts was buffered by monazite and apatite. Since the U (and K) depletion does not substantially affect the heat-production of metapelites, and mafic granulites maintain similar Th/U and abundance of U and Th as their unmetamorphosed equivalents, it seems that geochemical changes associated to granulitization have only a minor influence on heat-production in the lower crust.
机译:这项研究的目的是了解独居石,xenotime,磷灰石和锆石的行为,以及Zr,REE,Y,Th和U在前驱变质层序的熔体,成岩相和副相之间的重新分布,即Kinzigite形成。意大利西北部的伊夫雷亚-韦尔巴诺(Ivrea-Verbano),可能代表从中部到下部大陆壳的一部分。变质范围从中闪石到花岗石相,变质岩显示出强烈的部分熔融和熔体提取的迹象。熔体的出现控制着晶粒尺寸,夹杂物的含量以及稀土元素,Y,Th和U在附件和主要矿物中的重新分布。锆石和独居石的结构演化通常遵循Watson等人的模型。 (1989)。磷灰石从系统中提取出来,并溶解在部分熔体中。 Xenotime在石榴石形成反应中消耗,是石榴石Y和HREE含量升高的第一个来源。一旦Xenotime耗尽,随着石榴石的模态丰度增加,独居石,磷灰石,锆石,钾长石和斜长石中的Y,HREE和MREE逐渐消耗。独居石受到两个逆行反应的严重影响,这可能对该矿物的U-Pb定年产生影响。花岗石级变质岩(钟辉石)的Ti,Al,Fe,Mg,Sc,V,Cr,Zn,Y和HREE含量明显较高,而Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs,Tl,U和U含量较差。 P,但铜,Sr,Pb,Zr,Ba,LREE和Th的平均浓度与角闪石级变质岩(kinzigites)大致相同。闪锌矿-锶锶矿的转变以Th / U的突然变化从5-6变为14-15,Nb / Ta的逐渐增加以及Ho与Y的解耦为特征。白锆石,磷灰石和(除了最低程度的部分熔化的独居石。它们的REE模式,特别是Eu异常的大小,取决于掺入熔体中的长石和独居石的相对比例。源中独居石的存在导致LREE和Th具有极好的相关性,Nd / Th几乎恒定约为2.5-3。粒岩相的U耗竭和Th / U特征的增加仅发生在含独居石的岩石中。这归因于由于提高的Cl活性导致熔体中U分配的增强,随后在白体的结晶结束时释放了富含Cl的F贫水的流体。独居石和磷灰石缓冲了部分熔体中的卤化物活性。由于铀(和钾)的消耗基本上不影响变质岩的生热,镁铁质粒状体保持着类似的Th / U和U和Th的丰度,这与未变质的当量相当,因此与粒化有关的地球化学变化似乎只有很小的一部分。对下地壳热量产生的影响。



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