首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Kinetic and equilibrium mass-dependent isotope fractionation laws in nature and their geochemical and cosmochemical significance

Kinetic and equilibrium mass-dependent isotope fractionation laws in nature and their geochemical and cosmochemical significance


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The mass-dependent fractionation laws that describe the partitioning of isotopes are different for kinetic and equilibrium reactions. These laws are characterized by the exponent relating the fractionation factors for two isotope ratios such that alpha(2/1) = alpha(3/1)(beta). The exponent P for equilibrium exchange is (1/m(1) - 1/m(2))/(1/m(1) - 1/m(3)), where m(i) are the atomic masses and m(1) < m(2) < m(3). For kinetic fractionation, the masses used to evaluate beta depend upon the isotopic species in motion. Reduced masses apply for breaking bonds whereas molecular or atomic masses apply for transport processes. In each case the functional form of the kinetic beta is ln(M-1/M-2)/ln(M-1/M-3), where M-i are the reduced, molecular, or atomic masses. New high-precision Mg isotope ratio data confirm that the distinct equilibrium and kinetic fractionation laws can be resolved for changes in isotope ratios of only 3% per amu. The variability in mass-dependent fractionation laws is sufficient to explain the negative Delta(17)O of tropospheric O-2 relative to rocks and differences in Delta(17)O between carbonate, hydroxyl, and anhydrous silicate in Martian meteorites. (For simplicity, we use integer amu values for masses when evaluating beta throughout this paper.) Copyright (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. [References: 30]
机译:描述同位素分配的质量依赖的分馏定律对于动力学和平衡反应而言是不同的。这些定律的特征在于,与两个同位素比率的分馏因子相关的指数,使得alpha(2/1)= alpha(3/1)β。平衡交换的指数P为(1 / m(1)-1 / m(2))/(1 / m(1)-1 / m(3)),其中m(i)是原子质量,m (1)



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