
Abundance of mass 47 CO2 in urban air, car exhaust, and human breath

机译:城市空气,汽车排气和人的呼吸中大量存在的47 CO2

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Atmospheric carbon dioxide is widely studied using records of CO2 mixing ratio, delta(13)C and delta(18)C. However, the number and variability of sources and sinks prevents these alone from uniquely defining the budget. Carbon dioxide having a mass of 47 u (principally (COO)-C-13-O-18-O-16) provides an additional constraint. In particular, the mass 47 anomaly (Delta(47)) can distinguish between CO2 produced by high temperature combustion processes vs. low temperature respiratory processes. Delta(47) is defined as the abundance of mass 47 isotopologues in excess of that expected for a random distribution of isotopes, where random distribution means that the abundance of an isotopologue is the product of abundances of the isotopes it is composed of and is calculated based on the measured C-13 and O-18 values. In this study, we estimate the delta(13)C (VS. VPDB), delta(18)O (vs. VSMOW), delta 47, and Delta(47) values of CO2 from car exhaust and from human breath, by constructing 'Keeling plots' using samples that are mixtures of ambient air and CO2 from these sources. 647 is defined as (R-47/R-std(47)-1) x 1000, where R-std(47) is the R-47 value for a hypothetical CO2 whose delta(13)C(VPDB) = 0, delta(18)O(VSMOW) = 0, and Delta(47) = 0. Ambient air in Pasadena, CA, where this study was conducted, varied in [CO2] from 383 to 404 mu mol mol(-1), in delta(13)C and delta(18)O from -9.2 to -10.2%. and from 40.6 to 41.9%., respectively, in delta 47 from 32.5 to 33.9 parts per thousand, and in Delta(47) from 0.73 to 0.96 parts per thousand. Air sampled at varying distances from a car exhaust pipe was enriched in a combustion source having a composition, as determined by a 'Keeling plot' intercept, of -24.4 +/- 0.2 parts per thousand. for delta(13)C (similar to the delta(13)C of local gasoline), PO of 29.9 +/- 0.4 parts per thousand., 647 of 6.6 +/- 0.6 parts per thousand, and delta 47 of 0.41 +/- 0.03 parts per thousand. Both delta(18)O and Delta(47) values of the car exhaust end-member are consistent with that expected for thermodynamic equilibrium at similar to 200 degrees C between CO2 and water generated by combustion of gasoline-air mixtures. Samples of CO2 from human breath were found to have delta(13)C and delta(18)O values broadly similar to those of car exhaust-air mixtures, -22.3 +/- 0.2 and 34.3 +/- 0.3%., respectively, and 647 of 13.4 +/- 0.4%. Delta(47) in human breath was 0.76 +/- 0.03%., similar to that of ambient Pasadena air and higher than that of the car exhaust signature. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:使用CO2混合比(delta(13)C和delta(18)C)的记录对大气中的二氧化碳进行了广泛研究。但是,源和汇的数量和可变性阻止了它们单独定义预算。质量为47 u(主要是(COO)-C-13-O-18-O-16)的二氧化碳会带来额外的限制。特别是,质量47异常(Delta(47))可以区分高温燃烧过程与低温呼吸过程产生的CO2。 Δ(47)定义为47个同位素同位素的丰度超过同位素随机分布的预期丰度,其中随机分布表示同位素同位素的丰度是其组成和计算得出的同位素丰度的乘积基于测得的C-13和O-18值。在本研究中,我们通过构建以下公式,估算了汽车尾气和人呼吸中的CO2的delta(13)C(VS. VPDB),delta(18)O(vs。VSMOW),delta 47和Delta(47)值使用来自这些来源的环境空气和二氧化碳的混合物作为样本的“基林图”。 647定义为(R-47 / R-std(47)-1)x 1000,其中R-std(47)是假设的CO2的R-47值,其delta(13)C(VPDB)= 0, delta(18)O(VSMOW)= 0,而Delta(47)=0。进行本研究的加利福尼亚州帕萨迪纳市的环境空气中[CO2]的范围从383到404μmol mol(-1)不等。 δ(13)C和δ(18)O从-9.2到-10.2%。 Δ47的比例从千分之32.5降至33.9,而Delta(47)的比例从千分之0.73至0.96从40.6%降至41.9%。在距汽车排气管不同距离处采样的空气富含一种燃烧源,该燃烧源的成分(按“基林图”截距确定)为-24.4 +/- 0.2千分之几。对于delta(13)C(类似于本地汽油的delta(13)C),PO为29.9 +/- 0.4千分之一,647为6.6 +/- 0.6千分之一,以及delta 47为0.41 + / -千分之0.03。汽车尾气端部件的delta(18)O和Delta(47)值均与在类似于二氧化碳和汽油-空气混合物的燃烧产生的水之间的200摄氏度下热力学平衡的预期值一致。发现人呼吸中的CO2样品的δ(13)C和δ(18)O值与汽车废气混合物的值大致相似,分别为-22.3 +/- 0.2和34.3 +/- 0.3%。和647的13.4 +/- 0.4%。人呼吸中的Delta(47)为0.76 +/- 0.03%,与帕萨迪纳周围的空气相似,但高于汽车排气信号。 (c)2005 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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