
Dissolution in molten silicates: Effects of solid solution


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The effects of solid solution and solid state diffusion on crystal dissolution in a multicomponent liquid was examined by studying exact and approximate solutions to equations governing isothermal isobaric diffusive dissolution of a crystalline solid solution in binary and ternary liquids. The dissolution rate is proportional to the square root of time in diffusive dissolution. The effect of solid state diffusion is to change the dissolved crystal composition from that in the interior of the crystal to that at the crystal-melt interface, which depends on the relative rate of diffusion in the solid to the rate of dissolution. If the dissolution rate is much faster than the diffusive exchange rate in the solid, the dissolved crystal will retain its interior or far-field composition that has not been affected by diffusion (referred to as Regime I dissolution). The dissolution rate is proportional to the diffusion rate in the liquid, independent of the crystallographic orientation of the dissolving crystal. If the dissolution rate is much slower than the rate of diffusion in the solid, the dissolved crystal will have its solidus composition at the crystal-melt interface (termed Regime II dissolution). The dissolution rate is proportional to the diffusion rate in the solid and hence dependent of the crystallographic orientation of the dissolving crystal if the degree of undersaturation is extremely small (i.e., <0.5% difference in concentrations in the liquid). Regime I dissolution is important when the diffusion rate in the liquid is more than four to six orders of magnitude faster than the diffusion rate in the solid. Convection in liquid facilitates crystal, dissolution and further diminishes the role of diffusive exchange in crystal. Given the large disparities between diffusion rates in silicate crystals and diffusion rates in silicate melts (typically greater than 10(4)), dissolution of practically all silicate xenocrysts and xenoliths in natural molten silicates are characterized by Regime I dissolution. Regime II dissolution is important when the dissolving crystal and melt are in near chemical equilibrium. Copyright (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. [References: 28]
机译:通过研究控制二元和三元液体中结晶固溶体的等温等压扩散扩散方程的精确解和近似解,研究了固溶体和固态扩散对多组分液体中晶体溶解的影响。溶出速率与扩散溶出时间的平方根成正比。固态扩散的作用是将溶解的晶体组成从晶体内部的晶体成分更改为晶体熔体界面的晶体成分,这取决于固体中扩散的相对速率与溶解速率之间的关系。如果溶解速率比固体中的扩散交换速率快得多,则溶解的晶体将保留其不受扩散影响的内部或远场成分(称为方案I溶解)。溶解速率与液体中的扩散速率成比例,与溶解晶体的晶体学取向无关。如果溶解速率比在固体中的扩散速率慢得多,则溶解的晶体将在结晶熔体界面处具有其固相线组成(称为Regime II溶解)。如果不饱和度极小(即,液体中的浓度差异<0.5%),则溶解速率与固体中的扩散速率成比例,并因此取决于溶解晶体的晶体学取向。当液体中的扩散速率比固体中的扩散速率快四到六个数量级时,方案一的溶解很重要。在液体中的对流促进晶体的溶解,并进一步减少了晶体中扩散交换的作用。考虑到硅酸盐晶体中扩散速率与硅酸盐熔体中扩散速率之间存在较大差异(通常大于10(4)),实际上所有的硅酸盐异种晶和异种岩体在天然熔融硅酸盐中的溶解都表现为I型溶解。当溶解的晶体和熔体接近化学平衡时,区域II的溶解很重要。版权所有(C)2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. [引用:28]



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