首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Nitrogen isotopes in ophiolitic metagabbros: A re-evaluation of modern nitrogen fluxes in subduction zones and implication for the early Earth atmosphere

Nitrogen isotopes in ophiolitic metagabbros: A re-evaluation of modern nitrogen fluxes in subduction zones and implication for the early Earth atmosphere


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Nitrogen contents and isotope compositions together with major and trace element concentrations were determined in a sequence of metagabbros from the western Alps (Europe) in order to constrain the evolution and behavior of N during hydrothermal alteration on the seafloor and progressive dehydration during subduction in a cold slab environment (8°C/km). The rocks investigated include: (i) low-strain metagabbros that equilibrated under greenschist to amphibolite facies (Chenaillet Massif), blueschist facies (Queyras region) and eclogite facies (Monviso massif) conditions and (ii) highly-strained mylonites and associated eclogitic veins from the Monviso Massif. In all samples, nitrogen (2.6-55ppm) occurs as bound ammonium (NH4+) substituting for K or Na-Ca in minerals. Cu concentrations show a large variation, from 73.2 to 6.4ppm, and are used as an index of hydrothermal alteration on the seafloor because of Cu fluid-mobility at relatively high temperature (>300°C). In low-strain metagabbros, δ~(15)N values of +0.8‰ to +8.1‰ are negatively correlated with Cu concentrations. Eclogitic mylonites and veins display Cu concentrations lower than 11ppm and show a δ~(15)N-Cu relationship that does not match the δ~(15)N-Cu correlation found in low-strain rocks. This δ~(15)N-Cu correlation preserved in low-strain rocks is best interpreted by leaching of Cu-N compounds, possibly of the form Cu(NH_3)_2~(2+), during hydrothermal alteration. Recognition that the different types of low-strain metagabbros show the same δ~(15)N-Cu correlation indicates that fluid release during subduction zone metamorphism did not modify the original N and Cu contents of the parent hydrothermally-altered metagabbros. In contrast, the low Cu content present in eclogitic veins and mylonites implies that ductile deformation and veining were accompanied either by a loss of copper or that externally-derived nitrogen was added to the system. We estimate the global annual flux of N subducted by metagabbros as 4.2 (±2.0)×10~(11)g/yr. This value is about half that of sedimentary rocks, which suggests that gabbros carry a significant portion of the subducted nitrogen. The net budget between subducted N and that outgassed at volcanic arcs indicates that ~80% of the subducted N is not recycled to the surface. On a global scale, the total amount of N buried to the mantle via subduction zones is estimated to be three times higher than that released from the mantle via mid-ocean ridges, arc and intraplate volcanoes and back-arc basins. This implies that N contained in Earth surface reservoirs, mainly in the atmosphere, is progressively transferred and sequestered into the mantle, with a net flux of ~9.6×10~(11)g/yr. Assuming a constant flux of subducted N over the Earth's history indicates that an amount equivalent to the present atmospheric N may have been sequestered into the silicate Earth over a period of 4billion years.
机译:在西阿尔卑斯山(欧洲)的阶变辉岩中测定了氮含量和同位素组成以及主要元素和痕量元素的浓度,目的是限制海底热液改变和冷俯冲过程中逐步脱水过程中氮的演化和行为。平板环境(8°C / km)。所研究的岩石包括:(i)在绿泥岩相至闪石相(Chenaillet断层),蓝片岩相(Queyras区)和榴辉岩相(Monviso断层)条件下平衡的低应变变质辉长岩,以及(ii)高应变率的黑泥岩和相关的斜方脉来自Monviso Massif。在所有样品中,氮(2.6-55ppm)都以结合铵(NH4 +)的形式替代了矿物中的K或Na-Ca。 Cu的浓度在73.2ppm至6.4ppm之间显示出较大的变化,并且由于Cu在较高温度(> 300°C)下的流动性而被用作海底水热变化的指标。在低应变斜长颈鹿中,δ〜(15)N值为+ 0.8‰至+ 8.1‰与Cu浓度呈负相关。角砾岩斑岩和脉中的铜含量低于11ppm,并显示出与低应变岩石中的δ〜(15)N-Cu相关性不匹配的δ〜(15)N-Cu关系。保留在低应变岩石中的这种δ〜(15)N-Cu相关性最好通过在水热蚀变过程中浸出可能以Cu(NH_3)_2〜(2+)形式存在的Cu-N化合物浸出来解释。认识到不同类型的低应变变质岩具有相同的δ〜(15)N-Cu相关性,表明俯冲带变质过程中的流体释放并未改变母体水热改变的变质岩的原始N和Cu含量。相比之下,在弧状脉和柱状岩中存在的Cu含量低,意味着延展性变形和脉状伴随着铜的损失或向系统中添加了外部来源的氮。我们估算了由变质虫俯冲的N的全球年通量为4.2(±2.0)×10〜(11)g / yr。该值约为沉积岩的一半,这表明辉长岩携带大量的俯冲氮。俯冲氮与火山弧放气之间的净收支平衡表明,约80%的俯冲N未被再循环到地表。在全球范围内,估计通过俯冲带掩埋到地幔中的氮的总量比通过中洋海脊,弧形和板内火山以及弧后盆地从地幔中释放的氮高三倍。这意味着主要在大气中的地表储层中所含的N逐渐转移并被封存到地幔中,其净通量为9.6×10〜(11)g / yr。假设俯冲的N在整个地球历史上具有恒定的通量,则表明在40亿年的时间里,可能已将相当于当前大气N的量螯合到了硅酸盐地球中。



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