首页> 外文期刊>Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: Journal of the Geochemical Society and the Meteoritical Society >Vent fluid chemistry of the Rainbow hydrothermal system (36°N, MAR): Phase equilibria and in situ pH controls on subseafloor alteration processes

Vent fluid chemistry of the Rainbow hydrothermal system (36°N, MAR): Phase equilibria and in situ pH controls on subseafloor alteration processes


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The Rainbow hydrothermal field is located at 36°13.8'N-33°54.15'W at 2300m depth on the western flank of a non-volcanic ridge between the South AMAR and AMAR segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The hydrothermal field consists of 10-15 active chimneys that emit high-temperature (~365°C) fluid. In July 2008, vent fluids were sampled during cruise KNOX18RR, providing a rich dataset that extends in time information on subseafloor chemical and physical processes controlling vent fluid chemistry at Rainbow. Data suggest that the Mg concentration of the hydrothermal end-member is not zero, but rather 1.5-2mmol/kg. This surprising result may be caused by a combination of factors including moderately low dissolved silica, low pH, and elevated chloride of the hydrothermal fluid. Combining end-member Mg data with analogous data for dissolved Fe, Si, Al, Ca, and H_2, permits calculation of mineral saturation states for minerals thought appropriate for ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems at temperatures and pressures in keeping with constraints imposed by field observations. These data indicate that chlorite solid solution, talc, and magnetite achieve saturation in Rainbow vent fluid at a similar pH_((T,P)) (400°C, 500bar) of approximately 4.95, while higher pH values are indicated for serpentine, suggesting that serpentine may not coexist with the former assemblage at depth at Rainbow. The high Fe/Mg ratio of the Rainbow vent fluid notwithstanding, the mole fraction of clinochlore and chamosite components of chlorite solid solution at depth are predicted to be 0.78 and 0.22, respectively. In situ pH measurements made at Rainbow vents are in good agreement with pH_((T,P)) values estimated from mineral solubility calculations, when the in situ pH data are adjusted for temperature and pressure. Calculations further indicate that pH_((T,P)) and dissolved H_2 are extremely sensitive to changes in dissolved silica owing to constraints imposed by chlorite solid solution-fluid equilibria. Indeed, the predicted correlation between dissolved silica and H_2 defines a trend that is in good agreement with vent fluid data from Rainbow and other high-temperature ultramafic-hosted hydrothermal systems. We speculate that the moderate concentrations of dissolved silica in vent fluids from these systems result from hydrothermal alteration of plagioclase and olivine in the form of subsurface gabbroic intrusions, which, in turn are variably replaced by chlorite+magnetite+talc±tremolite, with important implications for pH lowering, dissolved sulfide concentrations, and metal mobility.
机译:Rainbow热液场位于36°13.8'N-33°54.15'W处,深度为2300m,位于南大西洋AMAR和大西洋中脊AMAR段之间的非火山脊西翼。水热场由10-15个活动烟囱组成,这些烟囱散发出高温(〜365°C)流体。 2008年7月,在KNOX18RR航行期间对排放液进行了采样,提供了丰富的数据集,该数据集在时间上扩展了有关控制Rainbow排放液化学的海底化学和物理过程的信息。数据表明,热液末端成员的Mg浓度不是零,而是1.5-2mmol / kg。这一令人惊讶的结果可能是由多种因素引起的,包括中等程度的低溶解二氧化硅,低pH值和水热流体氯化物含量升高。将最终成员的Mg数据与溶解的Fe,Si,Al,Ca和H_2的类似数据相结合,可以计算认为适合于超镁铁质水热系统在一定温度和压力下的矿物的矿物饱和态,并遵守现场观测所施加的限制。这些数据表明,在类似的pH _((T,P))(400°C,500bar)约4.95的相似的pH _((T,P))(约4.05)下,彩虹岩排放液中的亚氯酸盐固溶体,滑石和磁铁矿达到了饱和,而蛇纹石的pH值更高蛇纹石可能无法在彩虹深处与前者并存。尽管Rainbow排放液的Fe / Mg比很高,但深部亚氯酸盐固溶体的斜绿石摩尔分数和亚氯酸盐成分的摩尔分数预计分别为0.78和0.22。当针对温度和压力调整原位pH数据时,在Rainbow通风口进行的原位pH测量与根据矿物溶解度计算估算的pH _((T,P))值非常吻合。计算进一步表明,由于亚氯酸盐固溶体-流体平衡的限制,pH _((T,P))和溶解的H_2对溶解的二氧化硅的变化极为敏感。实际上,溶解的二氧化硅和H_2之间的预测相关性定义了一种趋势,该趋势与Rainbow和其他高温超镁铁质水热系统的排空流体数据非常吻合。我们推测,来自这些系统的排放流体中溶解的二氧化硅浓度适中,是斜长石和橄榄石的热液作用以地下辉长岩侵入物的形式发生的,这些变化又依次由绿泥石+磁铁矿+滑石粉±透闪石代替,具有重要意义用于降低pH,溶解的硫化物浓度和金属迁移率。



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