首页> 外文期刊>Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems >A mass balance and isostasy model: Exploring the interplay between magmatism, deformation and surface erosion in continental arcs using central Sierra Nevada as a case study

A mass balance and isostasy model: Exploring the interplay between magmatism, deformation and surface erosion in continental arcs using central Sierra Nevada as a case study


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A one-dimensional mass balance and isostasy model is used to explore the feedbacks between magmatism, deformation and surface erosion and how they together affect crustal thickness, elevation, and exhumation in a continental arc. The model is applied to central Sierra Nevada in California by parameterizing magma volume and deformational strain. The simulations capture the first-order Mesozoic-Cenozoic histories of crustal thickness, elevation and erosion including moderate Triassic crustal thickening and Jurassic crustal thinning followed by a strong Cretaceous crustal thickening, the latter resulting in a 60-70 km-thick crust plus a 20 km-thick arc eclogitic root, and a approximate to 5 km elevation in the Late Cretaceous. The contribution of contractional deformation to the crustal thickening is twice that of the magmatism. The contribution to elevation from magmatism is dampened by the formation of an eclogitic root. Erosion rate increases with the magnitude of crustal thickening (by magmatism and deformation) but its peak rate always lags behind the peak rate of thickening. We propose that thickened crust initially promotes magma generation by downward transport of materials to the magma source region, which may eventually jam the mantle wedge affecting the retro-arc underthrusting process and reducing arc magmatism.
机译:使用一维质量平衡和等静模型研究岩浆作用,变形和表面侵蚀之间的反馈,以及它们如何共同影响大陆弧中的地壳厚度,高度和发掘。该模型通过参数化岩浆体积和形变应变而应用于加利福尼亚州内华达山脉中部。这些模拟记录了地壳厚度,高度和侵蚀的一阶中,新生代历史,包括中等三叠纪地壳增厚和侏罗纪地壳变薄,然后是白垩纪强地壳增厚,后者造成了60-70 km厚的地壳加上20公里厚的弧形渐隐根,在白垩纪晚期约高5 km。收缩变形对地壳增厚的贡献是岩浆作用的两倍。岩性根的形成减弱了岩浆作用对高程的贡献。侵蚀速率随地壳增厚的幅度(通过岩浆作用和变形)而增加,但其峰值速率始终落后于增稠峰值速率。我们认为,增厚的地壳起初是通过将物质向下输送到岩浆源区来促进岩浆的产生,这最终可能会堵塞地幔楔,从而影响弧后俯冲过程并减少电弧岩浆作用。



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