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Surface Modification of Colloidal Silica Nanoparticles: Controlling the size and Grafting Process


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Surface modification of colloidal silica nanoparticles without disrupting the electric double layer of nanoparticles is a major challenge. In the work, silane was employed to modify colloidal silica nanoparticles without inducing bridge flocculation obviously. The effect of pH value of the silica sol, the amount of silane in feed, and reaction temperature on the graft amount and the final size of modified particles was investigated. The increased weight loss by TG and the appearance of T~2 and T~3 except for Q~2 and Q~3 signals by CP/MAS~(29)Si NMR of the modified samples verified the successful grafting of silane. The graft amount reached 0.57 mmol/ g, which was slightly lower than theory value, and the particle size remained nearly the same as unmodified particles for acidic silica sol at the optimum condition. For alkaline silica sol after modification, aggregates composed of several nanoparticles connected together with silane moleculars as the bridge appeared.
机译:胶态二氧化硅纳米粒子的表面改性而不破坏纳米粒子的双电层是一个重大挑战。在该工作中,硅烷被用于改性胶体二氧化硅纳米粒子,而不会明显引起桥絮凝。研究了硅溶胶的pH值,进料中硅烷的量以及反应温度对接枝量和改性颗粒最终尺寸的影响。 TG引起的失重增加,除了CP / MAS〜(29)Si NMR的Q〜2和Q〜3信号外,改性样品的T〜2和T〜3的出现证实了硅烷的成功接枝。接枝量达到0.57 mmol / g,比理论值稍低,在最佳条件下,粒径与未改性的酸性硅溶胶颗粒几乎相同。对于改性后的碱性硅溶胶,出现了由几个纳米颗粒组成的聚集体,这些纳米颗粒与硅烷分子连接在一起作为桥。



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