首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Physiology >Slower lower limb blood pooling in young women with orthostatic intolerance

Slower lower limb blood pooling in young women with orthostatic intolerance


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Vasovagal syncope is common in young women, but its aetiology remains elusive. Orthostatic stress-induced lower limb blood pooling is linked with central hypovolaemia and baroreceptor unloading. Venous distension in the arm elicits a sympathetic response, which is enhanced with more rapid distension. Our aim was to study both the amount and the speed of lower limb pooling during orthostatic stress and its effects on compensatory mechanisms to maintain cardiovascular homeostasis in women with orthostatic intolerance. Twenty-seven healthy women, aged 20-27years, were subjected to a lower body negative pressure (LBNP) of 11-44mmHg. Five women developed symptoms of vasovagal syncope (orthostatic intolerant) and were compared with the remaining women, who tolerated LBNP well (orthostatic tolerant). Lower limb blood pooling, blood flow and compensatory mobilization of venous capacitance blood were measured. Lower body negative pressure induced equal lower limb blood pooling in both groups, but at a slower rate in orthostatic intolerant women (e.g. time to 50% of total blood pooling, orthostatic intolerant 44 +/- 7s and orthostatic tolerant 26 +/- 2s; P<0.001). At presyncope-inducing LBNP, the mobilization of venous capacitance blood was both reduced (P<0.05) and much slower in orthostatic intolerant women (P=0.0007). Orthostatic intolerant women elicited blunted arterial vasoconstriction at low-grade LBNP, activating only cardiopulmonary baroreceptors, while orthostatic tolerant women responded with apparent vasoconstriction (P<0.0001). In conclusion, slower lower limb blood pooling could contribute to orthostatic intolerance in women. Mobilization of venous capacitance blood from the peripheral to the central circulation was both slower and decreased; furthermore, reduced cardiopulmonary baroreceptor sensitivity was found in women who developed orthostatic intolerance. Further studies including women who experience syncope in daily life are needed.
机译:迷走性晕厥在年轻女性中很常见,但其病因仍然难以捉摸。体位压力引起的下肢血液积聚与中枢性低血容量和压力感受器卸载有关。手臂中的静脉扩张引起交感反应,这种扩张随着更快的扩张而增强。我们的目的是研究直立性应激时下肢合并的数量和速度,及其对维持直立性不耐受的女性维持心血管稳态的补偿机制的影响。 27名20-27岁的健康女性接受了11-44mmHg的下体负压(LBNP)。五名妇女出现了血管迷走性晕厥的症状(体位耐受),并与其余的妇女进行了比较,她们对LBNP的耐受性良好(体位耐受)。测量下肢的血池,血流量和静脉电容血的代偿性动员。下体负压在两组中均导致下肢血液蓄积相等,但体位耐受性不佳的妇女的放血速度较慢(例如,达到总血液蓄积的50%,体位耐受性44 +/- 7s和体位耐受性26 +/- 2s的时间; P <0.001)。在诱发晕厥前的LBNP患者中,直立性不耐受女性的静脉血容量动员均降低(P <0.05),且速度减慢得多(P = 0.0007)。体位不耐受的妇女在低级LBNP引起钝性血管收缩,仅激活心肺压力感受器,而体位耐受的妇女以明显的血管收缩反应(P <0.0001)。总之,较慢的下肢血液汇集可能导致女性体位不耐受。静脉血容量从外周到中央循环的移动既缓慢又下降。此外,发现患有立位不耐症的女性心肺压力感受器敏感性降低。需要进一步研究,包括在日常生活中经历晕厥的妇女。



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