首页> 外文期刊>General Relativity and Gravitation: GRG Journal >Hamiltonian linearization of the rest-frame instant form of tetrad gravity in a completely fixed 3-orthogonal gauge: A radiation gauge for background-independent gravitational waves in a post-Minkowskian Einstein spacetime [Review]

Hamiltonian linearization of the rest-frame instant form of tetrad gravity in a completely fixed 3-orthogonal gauge: A radiation gauge for background-independent gravitational waves in a post-Minkowskian Einstein spacetime [Review]




In the framework of the rest-frame instant form of tetrad gravity, where the Hamiltonian is the weak ADM energy (E) over cap (ADM), we define a special completely fixed 3-orthogonal Hamiltonian gauge, corresponding to a choice of non-harmonic 4-coordinates, in which the independent degrees of freedom of the gravitational field are described by two pairs of canonically conjugate Dirac observables (DO) r((a) over bar)(tau, (σ) over right arrow), pi((a) over bar)(tau, (σ) over right arrow), (a) over bar = 1, 2. We define a Hamiltonian linearization of the theory, i. e. gravitational waves, without introducing any background 4-metric, by retaining only the linear terms in the DO's in the super-hamiltonian constraint (the Lichnerowicz equation for the conformal factor of the 3-metric) and the quadratic terms in the DO's in (E) over cap (ADM) . We solve all the constraints of the linearized theory: this amounts to work in a well defined post-Minkowskian Christodoulou-Klainermann space-time. The Hamilton equations imply the wave equation for the DO's r((a) over bar)(tau, (σ) over right arrow), which replace the two polarizations of theTTharmonic gauge, and that linearized Einstein's equations are satisfied. Finally we study the geodesic equation, both for time-like and null geodesics, and the geodesic deviation equation. [References: 86]
机译:在四重引力的其余帧瞬时形式的框架中,哈密顿量是上限上的弱ADM能量(E),我们定义了一个特殊的完全固定的3正交哈密顿量表,对应于非谐波4坐标,其中重力场的独立自由度由两对经典共轭Dirac可观测量(DO)r((a)超过bar)(tau,(σ超过右箭头)),pi( (a)超过bar)(tau,(σ)超过右箭头),(a)超过bar = 1,2。我们定义了理论的哈密顿线性化,即。 e。引力波,不引入任何背景4度量,而仅保留超哈密顿约束中DO的线性项(3度量的保形因数的Lichnerowicz方程)和DO的二次项(E) )上限(ADM)。我们解决了线性化理论的所有约束条件:这相当于在定义明确的后Minkowskian Christodoulou-Klainermann时空中工作。汉密尔顿方程意味着DO的r((a)超过bar)(tau,(σ超过右箭头))的波动方程,它取代了TT谐波规范的两个极化,并且满足了线性化的爱因斯坦方程。最后,我们研究了时空和零地线的测地线方程,以及测地线偏差方程。 [参考:86]



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