首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists >Seasonal occurrence of Caligus spinosus and Parabrachiella seriolae (Copepoda) parasitic on cage-cultured yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) at a fish farm in western Japan.

Seasonal occurrence of Caligus spinosus and Parabrachiella seriolae (Copepoda) parasitic on cage-cultured yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata) at a fish farm in western Japan.

机译:在日本西部的一个养鱼场中,在网箱养殖的yellow鱼( Seriola quinqueradiata )上寄生的 Caligus spinosus 和 Parabrachiella seriolae(Copepoda)。

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The occurrence of Caligus spinosus Yamaguti, 1939 (Caligidae) and Parabrachiella seriolae (Yamaguti and Yamasu, 1960) (Lernaeopodidae) parasitic on yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata Temminck and Schlegel, 1845, cultured at a fish farm in Nagashima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, was examined. Both parasites were absent on wild-caught juvenile yellowtail ("mojako") (length=6.5-13 cm; weight=5.4-16 g) at the time of stocking in net cages. Prevalence and median intensity of C. spinosus infection on the gill rakers were strongly and positively correlated with seawater temperature. Most of the C. spinosus population was adult females (45-100%). Prevalence of P. seriolae found attached at the base of the pectoral fin showed a high and positive correlation with seawater temperature. Most of the P. seriolae population comprised of adult females (78%). No gross pathological changes or host mortality were associated with the presence of either C. spinosus or P. seriolae.
机译:黄yellow中寄生的 Saligus spinosus Yamaguti(Caligidae)和 Parabrachiella seriolae (Yamaguti and Yamasu,1960)(Lernaeopodidae)。 >考察了1845年在日本鹿儿岛县长岛的一个养鱼场养殖的Temminck和Schlegel。在网箱中放养时,野生的少年yellow鱼(“ mojako”)(长度= 6.5-13 cm;体重= 5.4-16 g)上都没有这两种寄生虫。 C的患病率和中位强度。 rak耙上的刺状棘突感染与海水温度成正相关。大部分 C。脊椎人口是成年女性(45-100%)。 P的患病率。附着在胸鳍基部的seriolae 与海水温度呈高度正相关。 P的大部分。 seriolae 人口中有成年女性(78%)。没有明显的病理变化或宿主死亡与iC的存在有关。脊椎或 P。 seriolae



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