首页> 外文期刊>European journal of ophthalmology >Phakic iris-claw IOL implantation, with Bursa technique, through a self-sealing scleral tunnel and without iridotomy or iridectomy.

Phakic iris-claw IOL implantation, with Bursa technique, through a self-sealing scleral tunnel and without iridotomy or iridectomy.


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PURPOSE. To present a novel technique for the implantation of phakic iris-claw intraocular lenses (IOL) in highly myopic cases. METHODS. Twelve cases, under the age of 40, with high myopia were included in this retrospective study. The mean follow-up span was 14.4+/-5.8 months. Phakic iris-claw IOL implantation was performed, through a 5.5 or 6.5 mm self sealing scleral tunnel with Bursa technique. No suturing and opening a peripheral iridectomy or iridotomy was required in our study. Pre- and postoperative patient evaluation included manifest and cycloplegic refractions, uncorrected visual acuity, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), induced astigmatism, and intraocular pressure (IOP) assessments. RESULTS. All eyes gained one to nine lines of BCVA of the Snellen chart. The vector analysis revealed an induced astigmatism of 0.63 D. No significant IOP change was detected throughout the follow-up. CONCLUSIONS. The data suggest that nonfoldable iris fixated phakic IOL implantation, through a self-sealing incision with Bursa technique, is safe and requires no iridectomy or iridotomy in cases with deep anterior chambers.
机译:目的。提出了一种高度近视眼中有晶状体虹膜爪状人工晶状体(IOL)植入的新技术。方法。这项回顾性研究包括了十二个年龄在40岁以下,高度近视的病例。平均随访时间为14.4 +/- 5.8个月。用Bursa技术通过5.5或6.5 mm的自密封巩膜隧道进行虹膜爪状IOL植入。在我们的研究中不需要缝合和打开周围虹膜切除术或虹膜切开术。术前和术后患者评估包括明显和睫状肌麻痹验光,未矫正视力,最佳矫正视力(BCVA),诱发散光和眼压(IOP)评估。结果。所有人的眼睛都获得了Snellen图表的BCVA的1到9行。载体分析显示诱发的散光为0.63D。在整个随访过程中未检测到明显的IOP变化。结论。数据表明,不可折叠的虹膜固定的有晶状体眼人工晶体植入是安全的,并且对于前房深的患者,不需要虹膜切除术或虹膜切开术,这是通过Bursa技术通过自密封切口进行的。



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