首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Operational Research >Optimization of transit route network, vehicle headways and timetables for large-scale transit networks

Optimization of transit route network, vehicle headways and timetables for large-scale transit networks


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This paper presents a metaheuristic method for optimizing transit networks, including route network design, vehicle headway, and timetable assignment. Given information on transit demand, the street network of the transit service area, and total fleet size, the goal is to identify a transit network that minimizes a passenger cost function. Transit network optimization is a complex combinatorial problem due to huge search spaces of route network, vehicle headways, and timetables. The methodology described in this paper includes a representation of transit network variable search spaces (route network, headway, and timetable); a user cost function based on passenger random arrival times, route network, vehicle headways, and timetables; and a metaheuristic search scheme that combines simulated annealing, tabu, and greedy search methods. This methodology has been tested with problems reported in the existing literature, and applied to a large-scale realistic network optimization problem. The results show that the methodology is capable of producing improved solutions to large-scale transit network design problems in reasonable amounts of time and computing resources. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
机译:本文提出了一种用于优化公交网络的元启发式方法,包括路线网络设计,车辆行驶距离和时间表分配。给定有关过境需求,过境服务区的街道网络和总车队规模的信息,目标是确定使乘客成本函数最小化的过境网络。公交网络的优化是一个复杂的组合问题,这归因于路由网络,车辆行驶距离和时间表的巨大搜索空间。本文中描述的方法包括公交网络变量搜索空间(路线网络,车距和时间表)的表示;基于乘客随机到达时间,路线网络,车辆行驶距离和时间表的用户成本函数;以及结合模拟退火,禁忌和贪婪搜索方法的元启发式搜索方案。该方法已针对现有文献中报道的问题进行了测试,并已应用于大规模的现实网络优化问题。结果表明,该方法能够在合理的时间和计算资源范围内为大型公交网络设计问题提供改进的解决方案。 (c)2007 Elsevier B.V.。保留所有权利。



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