首页> 外文期刊>European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology: An International Journal >The art of performing a safe forceps delivery: a skill to revitalise

The art of performing a safe forceps delivery: a skill to revitalise


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The number of forceps deliveries is globally falling possibly due to Obstetricians gaining more experience and competence in the use of Ventouse deliveries. The declining use of traction forceps can increase the rate of second stage caesarean sections, which may have a long-term impact on the overall rate of vaginal births, despite the efforts of improving uptake of vaginal births after caesarean sections. The failures in forceps deliveries are commonly related to inaccurate assessment of the foetal position and station, which can be addressed by gaining sound clinical experience and applying intra-partum scanning to determine the fetal head position in the second stage, and should be part of the core curriculum in obstetric training. The alternate techniques of rotation, like digital and manual rotation, should be taught and encouraged in cases where rotation is required, which will significantly increase the success rate of instrumental deliveries. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:钳子交付的数量在全球范围内正在下降,这可能是由于产科医生在使用Ventouse交付方面获得了更多的经验和能力。尽管努力提高剖腹产后阴道分娩的吸收率,但牵引钳的使用减少会增加第二阶段剖腹产的比率,这可能对阴道分娩的总比率产生长期影响。钳子分娩失败通常与对胎儿位置和胎位的评估不正确有关,可以通过获得良好的临床经验并在第二阶段应用产时扫描来确定胎儿头部的位置来解决这一问题,并且应该将其纳入产科培训的核心课程。在需要旋转的情况下,应该教授和鼓励旋转的替代技术,例如数字旋转和手动旋转,这将大大提高器械交付的成功率。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.保留所有权利。



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