首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada >An investigation into the potential role of aerosol dispersion of dust from poultry barns as a mode of disease transmission during an outbreak of avian influenza (H7:N3) in Abbotsford, BC in 2004.

An investigation into the potential role of aerosol dispersion of dust from poultry barns as a mode of disease transmission during an outbreak of avian influenza (H7:N3) in Abbotsford, BC in 2004.


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During the winter and spring of 2004, an avian influenza outbreak occurred in the Lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia. In the early stages of the outbreak, the infected premises were fairly close together (within 2 to 3 km of one another) and downwind from the prevailing NE winds on the Matsqui Prairie at that time of year. While the scientific literature does not define wind movement as a principle source of avian influenza virus transfer, discussions with scientific leaders in the field of avian influenza from Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom in April 2004 revealed markedly divergent opinions from "highly sceptical" to "a considerable factor to deal with". Clearly revealed was the absence of any testing to support or refute a windborne theory of transmission during recent outbreaks in Italy and the Netherlands. A preliminary assessment of the likelihood of wind playing a role in transmission involved the use of hourly weather data provided by Environment Canada and BC Water Land and Air Protection. This assessment was followed by a more analytic approach provided by the mathematical plume models of the Meteorological Service of Canada's Emergency Response Division. A field study was conducted in early April to evaluate if avian influenza virus was being spread into surrounding areas on dust particles emitted from barns containing infected birds. Air sampling conducted inside an infected barn revealed a high quantitative estimate of viral load per cubic meter of air of 292 TCID50. Outdoor samples using low volume air samplers were all negative for the presence of virus. High volume air sampling conducted outdoors confirmed that avian influenza virus was circulating in the air outside barns during the outbreak, yet it remained unclear if the virus was alive and therefore potentially infectious. Current and future plans to further understanding of aerosol dispersion involve collaborations with academia and other government departments. A planned field study will aim to validate models for predicting the movement of generic biological agents from livestock barns into the surrounding environment..
机译:在2004年冬季和春季,不列颠哥伦比亚省的下弗雷泽河谷爆发了禽流感。在爆发的早期阶段,受感染的房屋非常靠近(彼此之间相距2至3公里),并且在一年中的那个时候由于Matsqui草原上盛行的东北风而向顺风。尽管科学文献并未将风运动定义为禽流感病毒传播的主要来源,但2004年4月与意大利,荷兰和英国的禽流感领域的科学领导者进行的讨论显示,“高度怀疑”的观点截然不同。 ”,以“应对的一个相当大的因素”。清楚地表明,在意大利和荷兰最近爆发的疫情中,没有任何测试来支持或驳斥风传播理论。对风在传播中起作用的可能性的初步评估涉及使用加拿大环境部和卑诗省水陆空气保护局提供的每小时天气数据。在评估之后,加拿大紧急应变部气象局的数学羽流模型提供了一种更具分析性的方法。 4月初进行了一项野外研究,以评估禽流感病毒是否传播到含有受感染鸟类的谷仓排放的尘埃颗粒周围。在受感染谷仓内进行的空气采样显示,每立方米空气中病毒载量的定量估算值很高,为292 TCID50。使用小体积空气采样器的户外样品对病毒的存在均呈阴性。在室外进行的大量空气采样证实,禽流感在爆发期间在谷仓外的空气中传播,但尚不清楚该病毒是否还存在,因此具有潜在的传染性。当前和将来进一步了解气溶胶扩散的计划涉及与学术界和其他政府部门的合作。一项计划中的野外研究旨在验证模型,以预测通用生物制剂从畜舍到周围环境的运动。



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