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Development of vaccines toward the global control and eradication of foot-and-mouth disease.


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Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is one of the most economically and socially devastating diseases affecting animal agriculture throughout the world. Although mortality is usually low in adult animals, millions of animals have been killed in efforts to rapidly control and eradicate FMD. The causing virus, FMD virus (FMDV), is a highly variable RNA virus occurring in seven serotypes (A, O, C, Asia 1, Sat 1, Sat 2 and Sat 3) and a large number of subtypes. FMDV is one of the most infectious agents known, affecting cloven-hoofed animals with significant variations in infectivity and virus transmission. Although inactivated FMD vaccines have been available for decades, there is little or no cross-protection across serotypes and subtypes, requiring vaccines that are matched to circulating field strains. Current inactivated vaccines require growth of virulent virus, posing a threat of escape from manufacturing sites, have limited shelf life and require re-vaccination every 4-12 months. These vaccines have aided in the eradication of FMD from Europe and the control of clinical disease in many parts of the world, albeit at a very high cost. However, FMDV persists in endemic regions impacting millions of people dependent on livestock for food and their livelihood. Usually associated with developing countries that lack the resources to control it, FMD is a global problem and the World Organization for Animal Health and the United Nations' Food Agriculture Organization have called for its global control and eradication. One of the main limitations to FMDV eradication is the lack of vaccines designed for this purpose, vaccines that not only protect against clinical signs but that can actually prevent infection and effectively interrupt the natural transmission cycle. These vaccines should be safely and inexpensively produced, be easy to deliver, and also be capable of inducing lifelong immunity against multiple serotypes and subtypes. Furthermore, there is a need for better integrated strategies that fit the specific needs of endemic regions. Availability of these critical components will greatly enhance the chances for the global control and eradication of FMDV.
机译:口蹄疫(FMD)是影响全世界畜牧业的最具经济和社会破坏力的疾病之一。尽管成年动物的死亡率通常很低,但为迅速控制和根除口蹄疫已杀死了数百万只动物。引起病毒的FMD病毒(FMDV)是一种高度可变的RNA病毒,它以7种血清型(A,O,C,亚洲1,星期六1,星期六2和星期六3)和大量亚型出现。 FMDV是已知的最具传染性的因子之一,它会影响偶蹄类动物,其传染性和病毒传播差异很大。尽管灭活的FMD疫苗已有数十年的历史,但几乎没有血清型和亚型的交叉保护,需要与循环田间毒株匹配的疫苗。当前的灭活疫苗需要生长强毒病毒,构成逃离生产场所的威胁,保存期限有限,并且需要每4-12个月重新接种一次。这些疫苗虽然成本很高,但有助于消灭欧洲的口蹄疫和控制世界许多地方的临床疾病。但是,口蹄疫病毒在流行地区仍然存在,影响了数以百万计依靠牲畜为生的人口。口蹄疫通常与缺乏控制其资源的发展中国家联系在一起,是一个全球性问题,世界动物卫生组织和联合国粮食农业组织呼吁对其进行全球控制和根除。根除FMDV的主要限制之一是缺乏为此目的设计的疫苗,这些疫苗不仅可以预防临床症状,而且可以真正预防感染并有效中断自然传播周期。这些疫苗应安全,廉价地生产,易于运送,并且能够诱导针对多种血清型和亚型的终生免疫。此外,需要有更好的综合战略,以适应地方病地区的特殊需要。这些关键组件的可用性将大大增加对FMDV进行全球控制和根除的机会。



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