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Burns in rural Kwa-Zulu Natal: Epidemiology and the need for community health education

机译:Kwa-Zulu Natal农村烧伤:流行病学和社区健康教育的需求

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Introduction: Burns are one of the leading causes of accidental deaths in South Africa. The northern Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) area, in which this study was conducted, has a population at high risk of burn. A large proportion of the population of KZN live in rural settlements and use traditional methods of cooking and heating. Children are often unsupervised or looked after by only slightly older children. This study investigates the need and potential focus of a health education programme within the setting of rural KZN. Method: Examination of epidemiological data collected on 423 cases admitted to the Ngwelezana Hospital Burns Unit from 2008 to 2010. Results: Children under the age of 12 were most at risk, making up 69.5% of all admissions. Most burns were caused in the home by incidents involving hot water and food (69.5%). Direct flame burns accounted for 19.6% of injuries and were more common with increasing age. Of the direct flame burns, 20.5% occurred during an epileptic seizure. Non-accidental injury accounted for 8.7% of burns. Public health awareness was assessed by investigating the use of first aid treatments, and the time delay between burn and presentation to hospital. First aid provision was attempted in 53.1% of cases. Only 1.1% of burn victims were treated with running water for 10 min or more. Other products commonly applied to the burn wound (31.7% of cases) included oil, ice or eggs, some of which are known to be harmful. The time from burn to presentation at hospital varied greatly. The median time of presentation for local residents was only 6 h; however, the median referral delay from a district hospital was 6 days. These factors have important consequences on the outcome of burns. Conclusion: The implementation of a community health education programme which focuses on adults as well as children, has the potential to decrease both the incidence and morbidity associated with burns in rural KZN. The pattern of burns is similar to that seen in urban areas (mostly children, and mostly around the home), emphasising common risk factors and the potential for wide application of such a programme.
机译:简介:烧伤是南非意外死亡的主要原因之一。进行此项研究的北部夸祖鲁纳塔尔(KZN)地区的居民有高度的烧伤危险。 KZN的很大一部分人口居住在农村居民区,并使用传统的烹饪和取暖方法。儿童通常不受监督或仅由年龄稍大的儿童照顾。这项研究调查了农村KZN环境中健康教育计划的需求和潜在重点。方法:从2008年至2010年对Ngwelezana医院烧伤科收治的423例病例的流行病学数据进行检查。结果:12岁以下的儿童风险最高,占所有收治病例的69.5%。大多数烧伤是由涉及热水和食物的事件造成的(69.5%)。直接火焰灼伤占受伤人数的19.6%,并且随着年龄的增长更常见。在直接的火焰燃烧中,20.5%的癫痫发作期间发生。非意外伤害占烧伤的8.7%。通过调查急救方法的使用以及从烧伤到就诊之间的时间延迟,评估了公众的健康意识。在53.1%的情况下尝试提供急救服务。仅1.1%的烧伤受害者用水接受了10分钟或更长时间的治疗。通常用于烧伤创面的其他产品(占病例的31.7%)包括油,冰或蛋,其中一些已知是有害的。从烧伤到就诊的时间差异很大。当地居民出诊的中位时间仅为6小时。但是,从地区医院转诊的中位延迟时间为6天。这些因素对烧伤的后果有重要影响。结论:实施针对成年人和儿童的社区健康教育计划,有可能降低与农村KZN烧伤相关的发病率和发病率。烧伤的模式类似于在城市地区(大多数是儿童,大部分是在家庭周围)看到的烧伤模式,强调了常见的危险因素以及该计划广泛应用的潜力。



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