首页> 外文期刊>Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz >Obesity in children upon school entry in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Is there a true stagnation in the proportion of obese children or is this stagnation caused by false interpretation of the data? [Adipositas bei Einschülern in Nordrhein-Westfalen1: Tats?chliche Stagnation des Anteils adip?ser Einschüler oder Fehlinterpretation?]

Obesity in children upon school entry in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Is there a true stagnation in the proportion of obese children or is this stagnation caused by false interpretation of the data? [Adipositas bei Einschülern in Nordrhein-Westfalen1: Tats?chliche Stagnation des Anteils adip?ser Einschüler oder Fehlinterpretation?]

机译:德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州入学时儿童的肥胖症。肥胖儿童的比例是否真正停滞不前?还是这种停滞是由于对数据的错误解释造成的? [北莱茵-威斯特法伦州1中小学生的肥胖:肥胖中小学生的比例真正停滞不前还是被误解了?]

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To monitor time trends of obesity in children, data from the school-entry screening programs (SEU) are widely used. By using data from the SEU in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), Germany, from 1996 to 2008, it was investigated, if age distribution is changing over time and if changes influence the overall proportion of obese children in NRW. In addition, the time trend of obesity in three age groups of children before school entry is shown. Children who were examined during SEU are becoming younger (1996: 75.3 months; 2008: 71.3 months, on average). The observed stagnation of obesity in NRW in recent years also persists when the influence of different age patterns are taken into account. Younger children are less obese than older ones. A sustained increase in the proportion of younger children during SEU might influence the overall proportion of obese children in the future. Thus, it should be discussed which procedures should be used to increase the quality of the indicator that is used for public health reporting and is generated by data from SEU.
机译:为了监测儿童肥胖的时间趋势,来自学校入学筛查计划(SEU)的数据得到了广泛使用。通过使用1996年至2008年德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州(SNS)的SEU数据,调查了年龄分布是否随时间变化,以及变化是否影响北威州肥胖儿童的总体比例。此外,还显示了入学前三个年龄段儿童的肥胖的时间趋势。在SEU期间接受检查的孩子正在变得越来越年轻(1996年:75.3个月; 2008年:平均71.3个月)。当考虑到不同年龄模式的影响时,近年来在北威州的肥胖停滞现象仍然存在。年龄较小的孩子比年龄较大的孩子肥胖。 SEU期间年幼儿童比例的持续增加可能会影响未来肥胖儿童的整体比例。因此,应该讨论应该使用哪些程序来提高用于公共卫生报告的指标的质量,该指标是由SEU的数据生成的。



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