首页> 外文期刊>Journal of neurochemistry. >Prothymosin alpha-deficiency enhances anxiety-like behaviors and impairs learning/memory functions and neurogenesis

Prothymosin alpha-deficiency enhances anxiety-like behaviors and impairs learning/memory functions and neurogenesis


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Prothymosin alpha (ProT alpha) is expressed in various mammalian organs including the neuronal nuclei in the brain, and is involved in multiple functions, such as chromatin remodeling, transcriptional regulation, cell proliferation, and survival. ProT alpha has beneficial actions against ischemia-induced necrosis and apoptosis in the brain and retina. However, characterizing the physiological roles of endogenous ProT alpha in the brain without stress remains elusive. Here, we generated ProT alpha-deficiency mice to explore whether endogenous ProT alpha is involved in normal brain functions. We successfully generated heterozygous ProT alpha knockout (ProT alpha(+/-)) mice, while all homozygous ProT alpha knockout (ProT alpha(-/-)) offspring died at early embryonic stage, suggesting that ProT has crucial roles in embryonic development. In the evaluation of different behavioral tests, ProT alpha(+/-) mice exhibited hypolocomotor activity in the open-field test and enhanced anxiety-like behaviors in the light/dark transition test and the novelty induced hypophagia test. ProT alpha(+/-) mice also showed impaired learning and memory in the step-through passive avoidance test and the KUROBOX test. Depression-like behaviors in ProT alpha(+/-) mice in the forced swim and tail suspension tests were comparable with that of wild-type mice. Furthermore, adult hippocampal neurogenesis was significantly decreased in ProT alpha(+/-) mice. ProT alpha(+/-) mice showed an impaired long-term potentiation induction in the evaluation of electrophysiological recordings from acute hippocampal slices. Microarray analysis revealed that the candidate genes related to anxiety, learning/memory-functions, and neurogenesis were down-regulated in ProT alpha(+/-) mice. Thus, this study suggests that ProT has crucial physiological roles in the robustness of brain.
机译:原胸腺素α(ProT α)在包括大脑神经元核在内的各种哺乳动物器官中表达,并参与多种功能,如染色质重塑、转录调控、细胞增殖和存活。ProT α 对缺血诱导的大脑和视网膜坏死和凋亡具有有益的作用。然而,在没有压力的情况下表征内源性 ProT α 在大脑中的生理作用仍然难以捉摸。在这里,我们生成了ProT α缺陷小鼠,以探索内源性ProT α是否参与正常的大脑功能。我们成功生成了杂合ProTα敲除(ProT alpha(+/-))小鼠,而所有纯合ProT α敲除(ProT alpha(-/-))后代在胚胎早期死亡,这表明ProT在胚胎发育中起着至关重要的作用。在不同行为测试的评估中,ProT α(+/-)小鼠在开阔场测试中表现出运动功能减退,在明暗过渡测试和新奇诱导的食欲减退测试中表现出增强的焦虑样行为。ProT α(+/-)小鼠在逐步被动回避试验和KUROBOX试验中也表现出学习和记忆受损。ProT α(+/-)小鼠在强制游泳和尾巴悬挂试验中的抑郁样行为与野生型小鼠相当。此外,ProT α(+/-)小鼠的成年海马神经发生显着降低。ProT α(+/-)小鼠在评估急性海马切片的电生理记录时表现出长期增强诱导受损。微阵列分析显示,与焦虑、学习/记忆功能和神经发生相关的候选基因在ProTα(+/-)小鼠中下调。因此,这项研究表明,ProT在大脑的鲁棒性中具有至关重要的生理作用。



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