首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Neurology >Expression of human E46K-mutated α-synuclein in BAC-transgenic rats replicates early-stage Parkinson's disease features and enhances vulnerability to mitochondrial impairment.

Expression of human E46K-mutated α-synuclein in BAC-transgenic rats replicates early-stage Parkinson's disease features and enhances vulnerability to mitochondrial impairment.


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Parkinson's disease (PD), the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, is etiologically heterogeneous, with most cases thought to arise from a combination of environmental factors and genetic predisposition; about 10% of cases are caused by single gene mutations. While neurotoxin models replicate many of the key behavioral and neurological features, they often have limited relevance to human exposures. Genetic models replicate known disease-causing mutations, but are mostly unsuccessful in reproducing major features of PD. In this study, we created a BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) transgenic rat model of PD expressing the E46K mutation of α-synuclein, which is pathogenic in humans. The mutant protein was expressed at levels ~2-3-fold above endogenous α-synuclein levels. At 12 months of age, there was no overt damage to the nigrostriatal dopamine system; however, (i) alterations in striatal neurotransmitter metabolism, (ii) accumulation and aggregation of α-synuclein in nigral dopamine neurons, and (iii) evidence of oxidative stress suggest this model replicates several preclinical features of PD. Further, when these animals were exposed to rotenone, a mitochondrial toxin linked to PD, they showed heightened sensitivity, indicating that α-synuclein expression modulates the vulnerability to mitochondrial impairment. We conclude that these animals are well-suited to examination of gene-environment interactions that are relevant to PD.
机译:帕金森氏病(PD)是第二大最常见的神经退行性疾病,在病因学上是异质性的,大多数病例被认为是环境因素和遗传易感性的综合原因。大约10%的病例是由单基因突变引起的。尽管神经毒素模型复制了许多关键的行为和神经学特征,但它们与人类暴露的关联性往往有限。遗传模型复制已知的致病突变,但在复制PD的主要特征方面大多失败。在这项研究中,我们创建了表达人α-突触核蛋白E46K突变的PD BAC(细菌人工染色体)PD大鼠模型。突变蛋白的表达水平比内源性α-突触核蛋白水平高约2-3倍。在12个月大时,对黑质纹状体多巴胺系统没有明显损害。但是,(i)纹状体神经递质代谢的改变,(ii)黑色多巴胺神经元中α-突触核蛋白的积累和聚集,(iii)氧化应激的证据表明该模型复制了PD的一些临床前特征。此外,当这些动物暴露于鱼藤酮(与PD相连的线粒体毒素)时,它们显示出更高的敏感性,表明α-突触核蛋白的表达调节了对线粒体损伤的脆弱性。我们得出的结论是,这些动物非常适合检查与PD相关的基因-环境相互作用。



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