首页> 外文期刊>Experimental Neurology >Administration of the immunophilin ligand FK506 differentially attenuates neurofilament compaction and impaired axonal transport in injured axons following diffuse traumatic brain injury.

Administration of the immunophilin ligand FK506 differentially attenuates neurofilament compaction and impaired axonal transport in injured axons following diffuse traumatic brain injury.


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Traumatic axonal injury (TAI) following traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains a clinical problem for which no effective treatment exists. TAI was thought to involve intraaxonal changes that universally led to impaired axonal transport (IAT), disconnection and axonal bulb formation. However, recent, immunocytochemical studies employing antibodies to amyloid precursor protein (APP), a marker of IAT and antibodies to neurofilament compaction (NFC), RM014, demonstrated that NFC typically occurs independent of IAT, indicating the existence of different populations of damaged axons. FK506 administration has been shown to attenuate IAT. However, in light of the above, the ability of FK506 to attenuate axonal damage demonstrating NFC requires evaluation. The current study explored the potential of FK506 to attenuate both populations of damaged axons. Rats were administered FK506 (3 mg/kg) or vehicle 30 min preinjury. Three hours post-TBI, tissue was prepared for the visualization of TAI using antibodies targeting IAT (APP) or NFC (RMO14) or a combined labeling strategy. Confirming previous reports, FK506 treatment reduced the number of axons demonstrating IAT in the CSpT, from 411 +/- 54.70 to 91.00 +/- 33.87 (P
机译:脑外伤(TBI)后的创伤性轴索损伤(TAI)仍然是临床问题,尚无有效的治疗方法。 TAI被认为涉及轴内变化,普遍导致轴突运输(IAT)受损,脱节和轴突球形成。但是,最近的免疫细胞化学研究使用了淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白(APP),IAT的标记和神经丝紧实(NFC)的抗体RM014的抗体,表明NFC通常独立于IAT发生,表明存在不同数量的受损轴突。 FK506给药已显示可减弱IAT。但是,鉴于上述情况,需要评估FK506减弱证明NFC的轴突损伤的能力。当前的研究探索了FK506减弱两个受损轴突种群的潜力。大鼠在受伤前30分钟服用FK506(3 mg / kg)或赋形剂。 TBI后三小时,使用靶向IAT(APP)或NFC(RMO14)的抗体或联合标记策略,准备用于TAI可视化的组织。证实先前的报道,FK506治疗将CSpT中表现出IAT的轴突数量从411 +/- 54.70减少到91.00 +/- 33.87(P <或= 0.05),而ML的轴突数量从78.62 +/- 16.87减少到41.00 + / -5.80(P <或= 0.05)。 FK506处理未能减少CSpT或ML中显示NFC的轴突的数量。 FK506无法减弱NFC,表明可能需要其他治疗剂来减轻TAI的全部负担。由于FK506靶向IAT,因此钙调神经磷酸酶似乎是显示IAT的受损轴突中神经保护的主要靶标。



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